Chapter 18 : You Should've Run Properly

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Duchess Medea, in a simple plain white gown, smiled devilishly at them. Her amethyst eyes look down on the men as if she can read their thoughts clearly.

"Is she alone? She doesn't even hold anything on her," William's eyes search through the Duchess' body, unconsciously letting out a joyful look.

So, seeing the advantage on their side, William grins evilly and tries to crush the Duchess. Do something lewd to her if possible. After all, Duchess Medea is a rare beauty. He can't miss this golden chance when the opportunity right now serves in front of him.

William walks bravely up to the Duchess with a big smile. The Duchess does not even move from her position; her cold stare is drawn to the man's movements. The man reaches out his hand, attempting to touch Medea's face, curious how it feels. Medea is revolted by such thoughts because she knows what's happening behind those horny eyes and looks.

"Look at this woman. She even waits for me to touch her," William beams in pride, full of himself.

As he approaches the face, the man shrieks in pain, his arm twisted behind him as if it were about to fall off the shoulder. William feels a well-built arm holding his arms while crying. Medea snickers at this reaction, but it is not enough to make him suffer.

In horror, the man turns his head to see a familiar face. The people celebrated that face when he walked into the Empire after winning the war. Obviously, it is Marquess Alwyn, the Hero of the Empire. That's when William knows he and the other four men are in big trouble. But, of course, the men could stand there, as the fear paralysed them to move as they watched the Duchess and Marquess.

The Marquess let go of William, kicking at his leg. He is limping back to the other four men, with his face alarmed by such a situation. As their survival instinct kicks in, the adrenaline rushes through their bodies, forcing them to flee with all their might as their survival instincts kick in.

"Run away if you think you can get away with me," thought the Duchess.

Warning (Torture)

"Should I kill them, my Lady?" Hector stares at the Duchess, waiting for her command.

"Leave the guy with the brown hair alone. Capture the other four alive, especially the one you twisted arm," Hector obeyed the order, knowing full well that the Duchess was beyond pissed at the man.

The Marquess is similarly exasperated, perhaps even more so than Medea, for insulting the Lady. Hence, it is an exciting order for him to carry out, as the thought of torturing them excruciatingly comes to him. Hector rushes to capture them, leaving Medea standing there. Duchess Valimos sighed slightly because she expected Eryx and Hera to be nagging and furious at her for doing this.

If it's the old her, she will kill all of them, including Phillips. However, she learns a bit of mercy from Eryx and Hera. The four are so out of the line and must be punished, especially William. As much as she wants to immerse herself in mercy, she can't let this go. There's burning anger within her, trying to escape and kill all of them. Thus, with compassion, she lets Phillips go as he never insults the Duchesses including Princess Isis.

"I should take my leave now," Medea talks to herself, guiding her body to somewhere else.

The Duchess waits somewhere, somewhere only she and Hector know about, with a few knights, for Hector to drag the men. She can hear the groans and grunts coming from the men outside. Medea allows the knights to leave, relieving their hearts. They know something heinous is going on inside, and they don't want to find out what it is.

"Hello, William. Are you in pain?" the men shuddered when they heard the terrifying voice.

Hector had already put a cloth in William's mouth, so all he could do was whimper, as the man could see nothing but terror.

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