Chapter 54 : Holy Day

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A few figures can be seen rushing towards an estate from a distance. They are wearing hoods, preventing themselves from being stalked by any people. It is already dawn; they cannot waste any time being found.

"Your Highness--" the figure puts her forefinger to their mouth. It is risky enough for them to do this, not even with the greets.

"Let's do this," they said.

The Holy Day has come, and many devoted servants to God come to the Temple, praying for their wishes to come true. Same as Hera, who comes first before fitting into her following schedule, which is probably by Ares' side all the time. As she is the Crown Princess of the Empire, people would always try to greet her. It would be a lie if she said it is not exhausting; however, she excites and feels on cloud nine every time she sees their eyes sparkling with happiness. It is enough for her, although she is exhausted.

"My Lady? It is the time for the main event for the Holy Day," Phoebe knocks on the door, as Hera always request to be alone when she prays at the Temple.

The blonde woman takes a deep breath, repeating some mantra in her head to keep her nerves in check. Then, finally, her beautiful emerald eyes open again before she extends her hand and pulls the door, only to find Phoebe flashes an excited smile at her.

"I am ready," she smiles back.

The main event is quite minimalistic, something like Eryx wants to do, not being forced to do. Since the Imperial Family also attends it, the Grand Temple is open to all people within the Empire. As usual, the Pope would usually lead the ceremony in the front, doing the same ritual repeatedly for the past few years. Some nobles like the Duchesses and Marquess Hector couldn't care less about it, but they followed it, respecting the cultures.

They are on the second floor, where the Duchesses face each other, but the only thing that separates them is another space used to watch the Pope and the Cardinal down, along with the Imperial Family. It is a sacred place where the highest nobility would go inside and stay with the Pope on the ground. Meanwhile, the higher they place from the bottom, their ranking in the Imperial hierarchy is lower.

The ruby eyes switch from the ground to the same eye level as hers, waiting for the amethyst eyes to reciprocate. The Duchess of Light also wears gold lining to match. Minimalistic jewellery and a white veil on her head. The other Duchess also wears white with a hint of purple to match the theme. She is not wearing a veil as Natalie did, but she pulls a bun for her hair on this occasion. After a while, the amethyst eyes meet with Natalie's, slowly nodding at her.

"Today is when our Guardian of the Angelos Empire gives his blessings to us. Therefore, pray with your desire whole-heartedly for that he will grant your wish in the unexpected way you ever dream off," the Pope turns her body back, looking randomly at the people around the hall of the Grand Temple.

Then, she returns to her original position to lead the prayers where everyone crosses their fingers that day, making a wish that they desire the most at the moment. Some people who don't believe in it don't even bother to bow or close their eyes for the wish since they don't think it's necessary. Finally, after an eternity, the Pope speaks again, "On this fateful day also, we from the Temple want to express our gratitude for our Cardinal to arrange such a pure day with celebration with the Holy Day and High Priest's selection as well."

The celebration for the High Priests would be the next event to take place. When Eryx stares at Frederick and Marcus, he can't help but feel queasy because of the beam of pride that Frederick and Marcus wear on their faces. Most of the ill will would be directed on the Cardinal, who was responsible for organizing this.

"What an insensitive moment for an extravagant event like this!"

The rumours begin to throw more dirt on Eryx's name. Some even talk about it, so they purposely let him hear about it. The man could only clench his fists for being in this situation. People always be fooled in the name of politics, and it is not their fault. They work hard, night and day, just bring food to their table.

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