Chapter 19 : Our Fights

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"You should not swing your sword like that. Instead, use your whole body to strike, but control it," Duchess Medea said to Natalie as her stance lacks in some areas.

The Duchesses started their class earlier today as it is Natalie's turn to have a 'meet' with the Crown Princess. Duchess Medea is a bit tired from the last night's event. Aurora is oblivious to this fact since Medea is used to hiding her tiredness and feelings. However, she can sense the woman is somewhat tense and happy today. It does not make sense, but it seems like that to her. Thus, the women started hardcore practice today to increase the intensity of the training.

Duchess Smith even runs ten laps while panting heavily, and Medea yells at her not to stop, roaring at the blonde woman. The Duchess of Light then does a few sets of push-ups to build her muscles, and to be honest, she feels like her arms are about to fall off her shoulders.

"Every time I did my training with her, I always second guess my decision on this," Aurora is on the verge of collapsing.

Despite all of that, Duchess Valimos does not care at all about it. Natalie wants to ask what is going on with her sudden training today, but she holds back.

"Is it because of yesterday? I heard a group of people insulting her in front of the Crown Princess--," when she falls due to exhaustion, her thought trails are cut off.

With shaky hands and body, she tries to push herself to get up. Medea sees her determination and does not even help the blonde woman. She must learn how to survive on her own without anyone helping. The world is not like a fairytale where a Prince or any man would save a woman when she needs it. It is far from that, and she knows it.

Natalie curses a bit in her head, cursing Duchess Valimos for being cold-hearted without even trying to help her. Although she does not want that desperate needing for her help, at least Medea would show decency to help her, not just look down with her expressionless face. Duchess Smith finally stands on her feet again after such difficulties.

"Keep on doing that for this week. Do not forget to take a day off to let your muscles grow," Medea said, dismissing the swordsmanship practice with Natalie.

Duchess of Light could only nod and mumble a thank you to Duchess Medea. Before Aurora can register anything, her hand stops Medea before she can even leave. Duchess Valimos twists her body, her gaze fixed on the ruby eyes. Aurora gulps at the look as she wonders if Medea will choose to be the Crown Princess's bride-to-be.

Since she is already switching sides, from Ares to Medea, to avoid her tragic death, the novel's plot evolves gradually.

The Crassore Empire does not send their Crown Princess out to search for a partner in the original novel. The second massacre was supposed to be the one that wiped out Cahill Village. Instead, because Cahill Village is near the border between the Angelos Empire and the Vazoels Kingdom, it serves as a starting point for the Angelos to find a reason to declare war on the Vazoels.

However, this never occurs to her expectation, and their path changes completely with her ultimate decision. It is becoming increasingly difficult for her to survive in the dark, not knowing what the next event will be. If Medea chooses to be the Crown Princess, Natalie's life will be over. She'd be stuck here as Duchess Natalie Wilson Smith for the rest of her life. Hence, she must ensure that Medea ascends to the throne and becomes Empress of Angelos Empire.

With a shaky hand, she is still holding Medea. Then, finally, she takes a deep breath to find an act of courage asking her directly.

"Your Grace, will you be the Crown Princess of the Crassore Empire?" Duchess Smith looks at Medea with determination.

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