Chapter 77 : Two Sides on The Move

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Marquess Alwyn hunts for Ares' shadow knights one by one with the same ferocity as a caged tiger let loose for the first time. But instead, he stalks his victim stealthily and precisely, making them disappear before people's eyes as though they had never existed.

Most of Ares' shadow knights are either orphans or valley dwellers who lack essential others. Thus, no one notices their absence until Julius comes to them or gradually figures out that their shadow knights have vanished.

However, at this stage, it is merely a battle of wills. If Julius is a coward who fears being decapitated by Ares, he will try to find a solution on his own. But if his sense of duty to Ares outweighs his dread, he will report the incident without delay. Regardless of what develops, Natalie is adequate with it.

Her one and only goal are to replace Ares' shadow warriors with hired killers. That is if the theory holds. In any case, she can restrain his motion and retarget her attacks.

"Regarding the man you have asked me to investigate, there is no trace of him, as if he never existed. I searched extensively, but no one appears to recognise him," Lord Apollo states when he makes an investigation regarding Julius' background.

"So Ares wipes out his existence and makes him a ghost?"

The Duchess of Light sets aside her pen, clasping her hands thoughtfully. If Ares makes him a ghost, it means three things, to make his works better, and Julius stays loyal to him. Or, as the man never existed, to begin with, he can just toss him aside. But Natalie rarely sees Julius. The most noticeable meeting would be Eirene Festival. Other than that, it is different people by Ares' side.

"You never know where he went after he met Ares? Or follow him?" the ruby eyes look into the grey ash eyes.

Lord Apollo looks down, shaking his head.

"He is like a ghost. We can't trace him because he is never there when we wait for the opportunity. Besides, he never seen comes and left the Palace."

"Are there any secret routes around the Imperial Palace that we aren't aware of?" Duchess Smith asks the question, asking herself at that too.

"That's possible, my Lady. Imperial Palace can have secret routes we are unaware of," Lord Apollo nods, agreeing to the question.

"In the novel, is there anything mentioned about the secret routes? Think Natalie!"

The Duchess of Light closes her eyes, biting her lips to think hard about it. Is she going to make a risky bet right now? To strike a big fish, you have to use another one. So who is the one who can bite on the bigger fish, other than Imperial Family, the Emperor?

"Did people still outcasting the Pope now?" the Duchess suddenly averts to another topic.

"Some people are still in doubt. Some start to accept her back. Regardless, the Cardinal now is the one people support and trust in the Temple," the man answers, but with curiosity, why the woman suddenly asks about it?

"Should I meet with Eryx?" her thought wander when the Cardinal lashes out at her for being reckless at ruining the engagement ceremony.

Just the thought of talking with Eryx makes her feel annoyed at him. Eryx is a righteous man who believes that justice should stand with good, not evil. However, the Duchesses view it in a different light. Sometimes, it is necessary to use force on something.

"I understand the justice light, the pureness of it in Eryx's view. But would justice remain as it is today without bloodshed, sweat and tears?"

The situation is between either you get killed, or you kill someone.

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