Chapter 97 : Only Love Can Hurt Like This

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Medea's POV

It's been almost three years, and Nate has gone missing. On the first day as the Empress of Angelos Empire, Natalie wasn't there with me, waking up in my arms. That day, I yelled for Valienth, coming at me to ask about her whereabouts, but the poor dragon also whimpering in pain, feeling the loss of the blonde woman. I reach over to Anastasia, asking about it, as she lets out the most absurd thing I heard at that moment.

"I think she is coming back to the other world as Aurora," her ruby eyes remind me so much of Natalie that the wave of pain rolled onto me.

I almost neglected my duty as the new Empress, grieving for the Duchess of Light. It's like the sense of deja vu hits me in the past when the same thing occurred again. Luckily, I have a great support system that keeps tabs on me.


"Do you in love with Natalie, Medea?" my breath hitch at my brother's sudden question, approaching me in the Valimos' Garden.


"How do I know? Medea, I would be a fool if I didn't notice my little sister is in love," Eli chuckles, reaching out his hand to stroke my hair.

His amethyst eyes look at me with so much affection that I am not stranger to them. But, even so, I would still have Eli, after all these years, by my side as well. He must have checked up on me when I was constantly losing my mind about the nightmare I dreamt about Natalie last night.

"You are entirely a different person whenever you were with her. You laugh, giggle, and smile effortlessly, like when you were a child, compared to now, ever since our misunderstandings started. Moreover, aside from Hector, that woman has been bugging your days since you were children, to the point where both dukedoms have no power to stop you.

I recall the House of Smith erupting in panic whenever the heir of the house went missing the following day. It was even more entertaining when she was discovered sleeping peacefully in your bed while the former head of the household barged into your room.

Regardless, I saw how free you were around her, not gasping for air or wearing yourself out like this household used to be. That's until she vanished from your life anymore. Then I realised something was going on in between. What happened between you two at the time?" the last question breaks me even more, reflashing my idiocy at that time.

"I left too soon," I said, chuckling at my stupidity at that moment.

"You did know why she suddenly went missing?"

My brain ransacks, digging up anywhere on how to answer that simple question. Eli, well-aware that Natalie suddenly went missing, he was the first person to hear my wails, searching for that blonde woman on the first morning. I have been looking everywhere, any magicians who would know about it, but to no avail.

"Yes," it takes me every energy to answer, giving that answer to Eli, who is smiling bittersweet from that.

"I don't know why, but I know that Natalie must fight the same to be with you right now," he takes my hand in his, squeezing it lightly.

"Why do you think so?"

"Medea, she was barely holding on when we thought you were dead, although she masked it with a stoic face. Nevertheless, she indulged herself with the plan, confined in her room or even practising swordsmanship in the winter as her coping mechanism. That woman would do anything, or everything, to you, as you do now.

With her power, she could even snap someone's neck like a twig to avenge your death, but she was willing to go to such length and proceeded with the most challenging route to win our revolt for you. That's how much Natalie loves you," I forgot to breathe when Eli finished his words, talking about how wondrous the love of my life was in front of his eyes.

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