Chapter 50 : The Manipulators

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Harren comes back to his manor with a big smile on his face. But, before the butler could give a greeting to him, he immediately asked for his wife's presence to talk with her. Well, it is mainly about divorce. He is that confident to divorce her, leaving Lady Iris with money nor properties of his.

"Well, did you sign the paper yet?" Lady Iris asks, crossing her legs.

Iris finds Harren's smirk amusing. However, she must be in character, still oblivious about his plan. So, Harren grabs the pen on the table, signing it directly in front of Lady Iris, but he stops track of it.

"I don't have 1 000 000 gold coins to give to you as well as my properties," Harren said, looking at his to-be-ex-wife.


"Because I don't have it," he answers flatly.

"Then, give me half of your left properties or money," Iris said quickly.

Harren looks down for a while, trying to think about it. It would be acceptable to give half of it to her. His goal is to lessen the alimony to give to Iris. One hundred thousand gold coins aren't that much. Something is bugging him off, but he shrugs it as leaning down once again to sign the divorce paper. They are legally divorced as soon as he stops signing the document, and there is no turning back.

Lady Iris has already prepared everything to leave the manor with their two children. Although Iris hated him, deep inside her heart, she couldn't believe how heartless the man she had married in the past was. She doesn't care if Harren doesn't look at her anymore, but he never once asks about their children. No. Not their children. Her children, now. Her children don't have a heartless and coward father.

After she steps out of the Lykaois' manor, Iris could feel lighter again. Something had come off her shoulder, maybe a burden. This manor contains many bittersweet memories, but it's time to move on, build a new life, and be the hottest mother in the capital with a lot of money. She doesn't want to find another man anymore. Why would she find another one when she had everything she desired?

Meanwhile, Harren feels relieved as well about this. His financial situation is completely stable, and the divorce agreement was executed without a hitch. That day, he is at the top of his world, drinking every wine in the house. But, little did he know, it was the last day, and he could feel that happiness in this life.

That night, the flyers about his corruption and tax evasion spread across the alleys. Words extend from one mouth to another mouth. In that situation, there is even a rumour that Harren had never done before, but could he stop it? No. He is a target of rage by society. He increases the price, as well as avoids paying the tax to the Imperial Palace. The man also cheats on his wife, for God's sake!

Lord Apollo and Marquess Hector go to their lady manor after causing the rumour and spread the flyers at the capital.

"The rumours spread as you want, my Lady. I made sure no one could know who is the one who spread the rumour," Lord Apollo and Marquess Hector tell the information to the Duchesses.

"Good work," the Duchesses smirk.

The beginning phase has almost come to an end.

"What did you just say?" the sapphire eyes glow at the sudden information.

Not only has there been an increase in the basic supplies, but Harren also caused avoiding to pay taxes. The audacity he had within him.

"There is an uproar among the nobles, and people of the Empire about Count Harren avoid to pay taxes to the Imperial Palace. Instead, they demand Your Highness make an investigation against Lykaios," Julius explains again.

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