Chapter 80 : What the Hell is Happening?

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The Phoenix continues to purr in my hand and suddenly wraps itself around its wings. But, of course, it falls dozing right after, reminding me about the blonde who sleeps easily like that when I am around.

I turn around to shift a bit, but my gaze ends with the Goddess again. She is still here. I look at her with a frosty glare before turning back and leaning against the Phoenix.

"Don't the Phoenix reminds you of something, Medea?" she calls my name for the first time.

"It's not like you will tell me anything that I demanded to know. If Hera is here, you will not be talking in riddle and confusing all of us even more," I am sapped by her game, playing with Phoenix's feather.

"Then, why do you think we brought you into this dream again? And even so, I still stay here for a long time, lingering for you," her words continue to make me chuckle in disbelief.

"I am already dead at the hands of your demon child. So, am I supposed to applaud your efforts to wait for me willingly? Instead, you should've used those efforts to help the one I left behind."

"Who said that you are already dead?" her question attracted my attention, forcing me to turn towards her.

She smiles, looks at me, and gets on her feet to walk and approach me.

"Now, you are willing to look at me," she said, taking a seat next to me.

"Tell me about that," I said in a demanding voice, as I didn't care who she was in front of me.

"You are not dead, Medea."

"But, I was shielding the blast using my body. How could I possibly be alive at this point?" her statement doesn't make sense.

"Anastasia, the Guardian of the Smith, saved you from the blast by a thin hair. You are at her place now," her answer makes me even more confused than I have ever been before.

"But why?"

"You may not remember about Anastasia, but you associate with her in the past. However, her descendant, Duchess Natalie, has told you about her real identity as Aurora, right? And how did someone suddenly return the time and pull her into this world?" the Goddess looks right at the clear waterfall.


"Do you remember who is the one who pleads to Anastasia in the first place?" I furrow my brows at the question.

I remember when Aurora mentioned that someone summons her back as Duchess Natalie other than Anastasia, but she never knew their identity. I shake my head, scrutinising the golden eyes.

"It is you, Medea. You are the one who summons her back," I largen my eyes in surprise, as my brows almost meet each other from furrowing too hard.


The Goddess extended her hand, touching my head, but before I could even slap her hand away, a rush of memories came through my mind.

From the moment of my past life until we succeeded in defeating Ares, followed by the time we executed both villains, Ares and Natalie. Then, how miserable I was at night trying to make peace, looking at the blonde woman looking so calm on her execution day. The night would always come with her comes in my dream.

The next part would be where Aurora mentioned the letter, where I opened it and read what was stored behind it. My heart was a crystal, and I dropped it, shattering it on the floor. How would I become more broken after finding out the truth that Natalie sacrificed herself in that bloody fight, thinking she deserved it? I went rampage, worrying the others around me by killing and hunting every noble she listed in her last letter.

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