Epilogue 2 : Children

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The blonde woman cannot believe what she and the Empress have done as they make love in Medea's office and giggle at the crook of the Empress' neck. The Empress is initially perplexed by the response but eventually joins in on the laughter with her wife once she grasps its significance.

Despite the moment's sweetness, Natalie felt sick and quickly covered her mouth. Her Majesty, Empress Medea, is highly concerned about her condition.

"Are you alright?" Medea holds Natalie, stroking her back.

Similarly, she knows that the blonde has recently experienced several health issues, including vomiting and a severe headache. Yet, Natalie could only nod to the question.

"Are you sure you are alright, honey?" Medea asks, worrying about the blonde woman, tucking the golden hair behind Natalie's ears.

"Yes, I am certain", the blonde woman still covering her mouth to prevent her from vomiting.

"No, this wouldn't do. Hailey! Please bring the Imperial Physician to me now. My wife is sick nowadays," the Empress order her servants.

"As for you, my wife--" Medea put her hands around Natalie's neck and one under her legs to carry her wife in a bridal style.

Natalie's face is flush and red, so much from it as the servants and a few high-ranking nobles stare at the couple. But, on the other hand, the Empress didn't mind it at all. Natalie is hers and is sick. So she has to only be concerned about that for now.

When the Imperial physician reaches their chamber, he asks all the people to stay outside while examining the blonde. The Empress had no choice but to wait patiently outside. Finally, after God knows how long the Imperial doctor is there, Medea is allowed to be inside her chamber.

"Your Majesty, there's nothing wrong with Her Majesty's condition. She is just experiencing fatigue and morning sickness, which is very common for pregnant women," the Imperial Physician explains, smiling at the Empress.

"Did you just say my wife is pregnant?" Medea asks, while her amethyst eyes fill with mixed emotions.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Empress Natalie is pregnant. Congratulations," the man sincerely rejoices over the news.

Finally, they bore an heir to the throne, adding more colour to the Empresses' life.

"Don't spread this word to other people yet. I'll find another time to announce it to the people of Angelos. Thank you for your work", the purple hair woman dismisses the doctor.

The Empress reach her chamber, a bit shaking. She had a hunch about that but never knew it was true. That's why she is in front of Natalie, demanding an explanation from her side.

"Medz, I know I was pregnant a few days ago, and I wanted to tell you, but I don't know how. I know everyone will doubt my pregnancy. But I swear to the Goddess and the name of Smith's house, I never cheat on you, and I never will. I have this wild theory about how come I'm pregnant as it is now. But, you will think I have become insane," the blonde woman tries to hold her tears back.

"I know, you think it is because of your magical power, isn't it? Like what happened in the Crassore Empire? It reminds you of Empress Isis?" the Empress stroke the Duchess' cheek.

Empress Natalie couldn't utter another word anymore, so she nodded at her wife. The Empress stares at her wife intensely, and every second of it makes Natalie lose her mind. Medea has not been saying anything regarding the pregnancy at all. This makes Natalie even more sure she would lose Medea forever this time. Even if she is in Medea's shoes, she can't even blame Medea for thinking about the possibility she cheating on her. It is practically impossible for a woman to get another woman pregnant. But her wild theory is even worsening the situation more with the magic.

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