Chapter 95 : The End of All the Endings

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Duchess Valimos gets on her feet, fighting against the Imperial and Emperor's knights, trying to go to where Ares and Natalie are now. Consequently, Duchess Valimos claws her way with a fiery determination.

In the Imperial Palace, Natalie strikes back, creating a wind storm blurring Ares' vision, blowing up fire to roast him. However, the man is lucky to get away with his power, but Natalie smirks when she sees some burn on his flesh. She emerges the ice between his feet, but he is quick enough to dodge it and glance at a specific figure that he knows Natalie cared enough about.

And that's Lord Apollo.

At the same time, Natalie doesn't know how long she can hold on to the barrier at the Temple. Her physical power is depleted; she cannot handle how much the magical power releases and soars inside the body.

"Valienth! Strengthen the invisible barrier for a moment while they are still convincing the people now!" her mind linked to her dragon, sticking up to the plan.

At that moment, Ares seizes the opportunity giving some unbelievable news for her, as always. He will break anyone's mind with his manipulation.

"Do you want to know something, Natalie?" he asks amusedly while exchanging attack and defence with the Duchess.

"Why would I?" the blonde replies, creating an ice barrier among him to trap the Emperor, but Ares is mighty to break it with his power, surrounding her with the same attack instead.

The Duchess of Light teleports right through his back, hitting on him with her new crystal power. Ares feels he is bleeding at his back as the pain shoots throughout his body, but he couldn't care less. He knows this woman at the point of breaking down.

"All your life, you thought that Jonathan, Lucinius and Harren killed your parents, right? You are wrong. The one who killed him is the Pope, the most holiness in the Temple!" he laughs maniacally, throwing off Natalie with such a fact.

He takes advantage of Natalie's crumbled wall, extending his power to use Apollo by hurting him, intensifying the ma's pain. The man roars in pain, but Natalie uses her magical power to stop it, while Ares fools her again with her instinct, knocking her out to the wall out of the cold.

"What a pain," the Emperor approaches Duchess Smith, swirling his hand to end him with his power.

Medea throws the dagger, landing directly on his shoulder to stop it. Ares stops, glances at his shoulder, and then puts his hand to reach out for the blade before pulling it out. The wound immediately heals from the divinity power. Only Natalie's attack wounded him since magic and divinity don't work. So each of them lands on their bodies, intensifying their pain.

"Medea! What a pleasant surprise!" he rotates his arms, trying to feel any pain in his shoulder, but it isn't there.

"Oh? Are you mad?" his smile turns to a frown, watching the woman that continues to spark his wrath.

Her amethyst eyes land on the blonde lying on the cold ground, her rage pulsating through her veins. The sapphire eyes follow her gaze, wondering what the woman actually feels when she wears her stoic face. Although Medea tries to hide it, there is a visible wrinkle on her forehead while her lips curl inward, watching Duchess Smith.

"You keep disappointing me, Medea. When I give a finger, you'll take an arm. And look at you now, keep losing your people left and right," Ares grabs the sword from the table, holding his stance, undirectly asks for a sword fight with Medea.

Duchess Valimos keeps her head cool, watching Natalie's body move as her chest rises up and down. She clutches her hand on the sword handle, marching to the Emperor with blazing eyes. As they are two experienced people in swordsmanship, they fight well with each other. Every blow can be stopped with every defence.

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