Chapter 14 : Calm Before The Storm (2)

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Duchess Valimos still pretty much treat everyone coldly except certain people. Aurora had the impression that Duchess Smith was thinking about it a lot because she is always the one who receives it. It would be a lie to say she doesn't feel any bitterness about it, given that they were childhood friends. However, the 'real' Natalie is nowhere to be found. Maybe she has already died from the poison.

"You are still cold as ever to me, Your Grace, although we are already joined hands on this," the Duchess smiles sadly at that, feeling her heart strained for it.

Aurora looks up to all the Duchesses in the book, particularly Medea. She's thrilled to have met such a wonderful person, much less one who now resides in Natalie's body. And yet, Aurora, in her role as Duchess Smith, was doomed to death and had to be executed to escape. Because of this, she was too busy to worry about it.

After that, Medea turns her head to the side and starts watching Natalie. The blonde woman's eyes were closed, possibly in an attempt to regain herself. Her long eyelashes give her a Goddess-like side profile.

"I recall you sneaking into my manor late at night. You'd always find a way to entice me by telling me about your day. You'll then bother me while I'm studying or reading, claiming I've abandoned you. On the other hand, our fathers are always angry about it, but they soon tire of finding you sleeping soundly in my bed in the morning," Medea suddenly blurts out.

Natalie had not anticipated her behaviour in the least. However, their friendship is more potent than she imagined. Still closing her eyes, a flashback of the Duchesses in their teenage years hits her.


"Medz, you are so occupied these days," Natalie slumps the side of her head on the table while her ruby eyes continue to gaze on the beautiful friend.

"Something requires my immediate attention," the amethyst eyes keep her sight on the paperwork.

The younger woman frowned at Medea's action. Her lips pursed, while her ruby eyes flashed hurt, but it turned to a mischievous smile. Finally, she lifts her head up, standing on her feet, looking at the older woman engrossed with her work. Then, Natalie slowly walks to Medea's side until she reaches beside her. She looks at the woman, tilting her head to get a better sight until Medea feels a burning gaze on her side.

"What are you doing?" Lady Medea raises her eyebrows, confused by this woman's action.

Natalie doesn't utter words but lets her hand take off the paper from Medea's hand while the amethyst eyes fill with irritation and confusion. Then, the younger woman slips herself on Medea's lap while maintaining eye contact with her and wrapping her arms around the older's neck.

"You have been stuffing your face into that paper, yet you never look at me once today," Natalie said softly, tucking the strand of purple-haired strand behind Medea's ears.

The blonde woman smiles mischievously at Medea while her ruby eyes playfully look at her.

"Nate, I need to finish that today," Medea sighs, looking at the blonde woman.

"I know," the ruby eyes look down, forming a sad smile.

The older woman knows that Natalie is frustrated over this, but there's nothing she can do other than to finish that at the moment.

"Look, tomorrow I promise that we will spend time together more," Medea said, after a few considerations.

The ruby eyes lit up at that sentence as she asked, "Really?"

"Yes," Medea nods, not knowing why she said that.

"Alright then," Natalie flashes her smile, knowing she will have time with the older woman tomorrow.

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