Chapter 64 : You're Underestimate Me

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Time flies, and it is the day the Duchess of Light becomes busier than ever. She even comes to Medea's manor for the official reason of bringing her engagement dress. Strangely enough, Aurora becomes determined to make Ares' dream come true as if she agreed to it in the first place. Medea doesn't know what to think or feel about it.

But why does she feels bitter looking at her like that?

In the end, Medea decided it was better to let this engagement be temporary for a while as she strengthened her position in the political world and got as many allies and nobles as possible on her side. Of course, she expects Hector to question it, but when she tells him her decision, he smiles and trusts her.

She tells Aurora about it but gets the opposite reaction as Hector. The blonde woman seems tense and questions it, leaving Medea that night in a rage. However, they are now where Aurora is busy preparing for her engagement. The Duchess of Light is so confusing. Never have Medea been so confused by someone like this before.

"Why is this woman so hard to understand?"

As too many eyes are looking at them, Aurora and her remain formal at each other. Some sarcastic remarks lie behind their words but go unnoticed by people.

"Duchess Medea, Duchess Natalie," the designer bows at both women who sit on the couch, who secretly wish for this to finish as soon as possible.

"Behold the greatest dress for your engagement ceremony," The designer claps enthusiastically as two men hold the mannequin inside and a woman holds the extended portion of the dress behind her.

The Duchesses turn their attention to the dress, which is unquestionably stunning due to its lovely off-shoulder design and gradient colour scheme comprising dark purple and blue in varying shades. In addition to that, it comes with long gloves. It brings out the gorgeous purple colour of Medea's eyes even more. It fits the definition perfectly; in this case, less is more.

"Please escort Her Grace to do the fitting," Natalie said as she gestured politely at Medea to follow the designer.

The others raise their brows at the gesture, feeling confused by the rumours circulating about their feud is opposite to what they experience now. While waiting for Medea to fit in the dress, Duchess Smith crosses her legs, reading a book to fill in the time. However, it is a habit she got from another world, while it is discourtesy for a lady in this world to cross their legs when sitting.

However, in Natalie's mind, who are they to determine discourtesy or not for a lady? Screw them all.

Someone coughs over multiple times to attract the blonde's attention, who is engrossed reading the book. Finally, the designer calls the Duchess in a low voice after a while. Natalie turns her head to see a stunning woman next to the designer while her hands close the book.

The very sight causes her chest to tighten, and she finds it difficult to speak. She is helpless to do anything but gaze at the woman, who is graceful in her dress. Medea has the power to make even Aphrodite or Venus feel insecure about her own beauty. The blonde woman gulps, forgetting about the people around her and Medea.

A thought hits her as the designer breaks Natalie from her trance.

"What do you think, Your Grace?" the question somehow triggers Natalie about it, as she imagines how beautiful Medea is that day, just to be beside Ares and his arms.

However, rather than that, Natalie could imagine Medea is unhappy about it. And somehow, that thought aches her heart more rather than her jealousy. If she could only do something now.

"It looks-- It looks fine," she ransacks her brain to avoid the word 'beautiful' in front of them.

Did I just stutter?

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