Chapter 34 : One Beautiful Day Doesn't Make a Summer

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The light shines through the room as two women fall asleep after an exhausting night together. One figure stirs in her sleep, wanting to get out of bed. Her body ached, but perhaps she had slept in the wrong position the night before. Only when she wants to remove the blanket mindlessly in her drowsiness does she realise she is naked.

She wraps the blanket around her body again but squeals as she notices another person beside her. The figure then wakes up from her slumber as someone screams beside her.

"Why are you screaming?" the figure asked in a hissing tone, turning her head to face the screaming blonde.

"You!" Aurora points at Medea and widens her ruby eyes.

Medea allows her to panic for a moment before reaching for her clothes from the night before. The ruby eyes simply follow her movement, still enraged by what has occurred. How did this happen? Her thoughts wandered to last night's event when she had an epiphany.

They did it all night, with Medea pleasing Natalie. The Duchesses don't even do it twice or three times; they go round and round. Aurora stopped counting after the fifth one. She doesn't know she needs to get laid, but it is an eye-opener for her.

While Aurora is still puzzled by what happened, another figure tries to enter the room, jolting the blonde out of her trance. Medea is also worried as her amethyst eyes dart at the other woman who is still naked in bed while she is only half-naked.

"Are you all right, Duchess Natalie?" Princess Isis asks, anxious to enter the room.

She is concerned about the blonde woman after what happened last night. She gets a fever and then meets her drunk. Fortunately, Duchess Medea offers her assistance to the blonde at that time. Aurora and Medea hold their breath inside the room as she prepares to push the door open until the door is not available from the outside. It's good that Medea locked the door after following Aurora to the room last night.

"Yes, Your Highness. I was stumbling around on the bed," the Duchess of Light reacts from the inside.

"Oh, I thought something happened with that screaming, and your door is also locked," Isis responds with a worried tone.

"I'm going to change my clothes. Please wait for me somewhere else, if you don't mind?" Aurora is desperate to get rid of the Crown Princess.

"Oh. Oh! My apologies!" the steps leaving the door could be heard.

Aurora can only exhale relief at this point, but she has forgotten about the other figure inside the room. She reopens her eyes to find the deep purple eyes staring back at her. The blonde woman avoids eye contact as the events of the previous night flash through her mind. She clutches the blanket, reaching for the clothes she wore the night before.

Her legs give way as she tries to get out of bed and falls. She can hardly feel her legs and wonders why this is happening to her. Is the side effect still active? Duchess Medea approaches Aurora and assists her in getting back into bed. She reaches for Aurora's clothes and hands them to the blonde so she can fully dress.

"Thank you," Aurora said as she accepted the clothes from the Duchess.

The blonde woman wishes to change her clothes, but Medea looks at her blankly. She can't get it out of her head what happened last night.

"Uhm-- can you turn you around? I want to wear clothes," Aurora's words were almost stuttering.

"I saw it all last night," Medea said monotonously, a poker face on her face.

Aurora cursed in her head, "Fucking bitch."

Medea rolled her eyes and turned her back to the window after a staring contest. Aurora huffs in annoyance, quickly changing her clothes. But she comes to a halt when she notices her body is covered in hickeys.

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