Chapter 24 : Search Party

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"Should we stop by the waterfall before we go deeper in the woods with the search party, Your Grace?" one of the knights asks Medea, waiting for her to respond.

The Duchess is standing there beneath the shady branches, knowing full well that Ares sending her to look for Duchess Natalie is a test. She is wearing the Valimos' armour now. The knights are aware that their Duchess is talented and gifted with a sword. However, they never see her in action because she always practises alone or with Marquess Hector when she wants to spar with someone.

Both women have been missing for two days and have yet to be located. Lord Apollo has also offered to accompany the search party, so here they are, the trio who had no idea they would be together. Lord Apollo, Marquess Hector, and Duchess Medea make up the trio. People can practically feel the coldness around these three, especially Hector and Apollo's cold war.

These two act like children, and Medea sighs internally, looking at their faces. Spending time with them for God knows how long will be more exhausting. The Duchess suddenly remembered her argument with the blonde woman a few days ago. Then, after that, Natalie went missing without any trace. She knows she has no reason to talk down to the blonde, but she is too used to talking to someone like that, especially to her. Still, Medea has no excuses for being like that.


As Natalie pulls out from the kiss, the ruby eyes immediately meet Medea's amethyst eyes. At that moment, Medea knows that Natalie is not joking or pulling another stunt of hers at all. Yet, she does not know how to react to everything, especially the kiss. For Medea, Natalie is her best friend, nothing more, nothing less. Moreover, she has to prepare herself as the future Crown Princess of the Angelos Empire.

Those ruby eyes usually sparkled with happiness, but today they filled with something foreign in her eyes. No one ever looks at her in such a way, except for her nanny. It feels with so much warmth and affection. She cannot afford to lose all of her efforts like this. She needs a higher position than a Duke of an Empire to exact revenge on her father. The two still look at each other without saying anything while anxiety creeps into the blonde woman.

Finally, the red eyes look down, knowing the answer to that kiss. Natalie lets out a heavy sigh and a shaky breath before turning around and walking away from the Valimos woman. Medea is still standing there, unsure what to do, feeling her feet sink to the ground. She had no idea Natalie had feelings for her all these years. Maybe she does, but she chooses not to admit it.

After the incident, there has been another day without Natalie bugging her. It feels weird not hearing the woman's annoying voice. However, as expected, she is about to engage with the Crown Prince soon. At the time, she believed everything was running smoothly, but a disaster happened. She learns of Natalie's parents' death and decides to pay her respects to the blonde.

"Medea, your mother, and I are attending the Smith funeral today. Do you want to join us or not?" on the other side of the door, Lucinius' voice can be heard asking Medea a question.

Medea should have said yes to that question, but her mouth had already said 'no' without her realising it. Duke Lucinius is taken aback by the response. However, he soon smiles at Medea, whose daughter has taken after him. There are no such things as close friends; the closer someone is to Valimos, the more cautious Valimos should be.

She curses herself for not thinking of an answer and changes her clothes to go to the funeral as soon as her parents' carriages leave for the funeral. She should be there to meet Natalie regardless of what happens because she lost her parents overnight. Medea finally arrives at the location, where she sits and watches by the tree. She catches a glimpse of the blonde woman and realises she is extremely unstable. It's like a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.

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