Chapter 83 : Indirect Confession

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"Stop playing around with me, and get her out. I am not in the mood for your games and your ridiculous quest," Natalie reaches for the wine glass on the rack at her office, while the men confuse that the blonde is never taken aback by the women's appearance.

The Duchess of Light looks like she has known the woman all along and has associated with her before.

"Where have you been, my Lady?" Apollo can't shake off his concern.

"Sleeping with a dragon," Natalie shrugs off, confusing the man even more.

"What? Didn't it want to kill me before?" Hector joins the confusion.

Oh yes. Natalie snaps her finger to stop the time, calling Anastasia to ask her the question.

"In the past, have you met with Valienth? He claimed that we are the master of dragons. Is that true?" Natalie pours the wine onto the wine glass, swirling the liquor before sipping on it.

"Yes, but this is --"

"We will talk about that next time. I want to rest and clear my mind," Natalie cuts her off, snapping her finger to continue the time.

"I tamed it already. His name is Valienth, as the folklore is being passed around. It has been guarding the route. That's why we couldn't find the secret route," Natalie answers Hector's question, sitting and crossing her legs, still swirling the wine.

"The knights?"

"They are fine. Valienth almost eats them," she pours the wine again, almost emptying the bottle.

"Nate?" Medea calls her out, pushing Natalie to stop swirling her wine glass before turning her head to Medea and Anastasia.

She forces herself to laugh for the first time since Medea's death, but complete with bitterness. Anastasia shouldn't go that far about her.

"Seriously, Ana? Do you even copy her voice? Using her to address me by the name she only used to me?" she shakes her head from side to side.

"That, my Lady. Duchess Medea--"

"Anastasia saved me from the blast at that time. I am not one of her tricks, Natalie. I am still alive," Medea cuts the fragments of Apollo's claims, needing to explain it herself.

The ruby eyes turn towards the woman that looks so much like Medea. She tilts her head to the side, swirling the liquor on the glass again. Natalie narrows her vision, leaning her face forward while resting her chin on the palm of her hand. Her eyes trail from her silky purple-haired to her neat eyebrows, her beauty mark beneath the right eyes, and Medea's pointy nose until her luscious lips.

Her eyes looked at the woman in up and down motion. The other looks at the unfazed ruby eyes until she suddenly giggles. The Duchess of Light puts down the glass of wine on the table, uncrossing her legs to stand up on her feet. Still maintaining her eye contact with Medea, she approaches the woman until her body stops right in front of Duchess Valimos.

Natalie blinked and arched her brows before firmly forcing the words from her mouth, "Leave. All of you. Except for her."

The other feels their feets still glued on the floor, not moving an inch even after the order. The blonde glanced at them with fiery eyes. Her voice is not rising, but something frozen and blazing lying underneath it.

"Must I repeat myself?"

The chilling tone is enough to make the other shiver, knowing the woman is not telling them but threatening to leave them alone.

"You can leave us," Medea nods at the other, pushing them to leave the Duchesses alone, giving a tight-lipped.

The sound of the door clicking, closing from the motion. Duchess Natalie shut her eyelids, gulping from the woman in front of her. Medea is alive and well. She lowers her head, trying to calm the storm that started to settle in her chest. Then, after summoning every of her last strength, she reopens her ruby eyes, looking at Medea's hand.

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