Chapter 65 : Love Made Me Crazy

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As the big day has finally arrived, everyone is getting even more dressed up than they did the night before to attend the main event. Not too long ago, the roadways were adorned with marigold and white chrysanthemums; today, they are covered with purple and white tulips. In the other event, the Temple also comes to give blessings to the 'couple' during their engagement ceremony. In other words, the Cardinal, Eryx, also join the tradition, walking beside the Pope.

"It is indeed luxurious, just for an engagement ceremony. What a waste," Eryx thought, following the Pope along.

On a day as bright as this, when the clear autumn sky lets warm sunlight shine, people cannot help but smile. Following the Pope's recommendation, the Emperor selected a favourable day. Some applaud the Imperial Family for their prompt actions and express sympathy for what transpired with the late Empress due to the scandal.

The Duchess of Light takes a seat after letting the other nobles to their respective chairs. Orchestra bands sit on the other side, letting musicals run through their ears to enjoy while waiting for the important guests. Then, the Imperial carriage comes, as the Pope remains on the stage with the Cardinal.

The nobles, followed by the audience, rise to their feet to greet the Emperor, who is in attendance today for the engagement ceremony.

"Greetings to the sun of the Empire, Emperor Atticus Aelius Angelos," the man walks, who is then greeted by everyone along the walk and shakes his hand all the way.

He then takes his place a bit in front of Natalie. Not even notice the blonde woman behind him, who organise everything. He never even said thank you to her. Not that Natalie wants to for that. The ceremony starts with the orchestra enchanting people again with the melodious music.

Then, the star couple walks down the aisle for their engagement ceremony. While others walk through the area, some people toss red roses over them. Despite this, Natalie looks at Medea's face for a brief period at that precise moment. The dress she tried on earlier in the day was absolutely stunning. Yet, something about her expression does not hint at the slightest bit of joy.

"We will make you smile soon."

Duchess Smith unconsciously clenches her fist, looking at the love of her life is not happy at all at the occasion. Then, she turns her head over to the father and son, who coerces a grown-up woman into a marriage against her will. It is also a political move when they want to limit the power from the House of Valimos from growing too much under the absolute Imperial power.

The amethyst eyes then suddenly end up with the ruby eyes. They stare at each other for a while until a thought comes to Medea's mind.

"Why is she looks so sad?"

Ares wears his biggest smile that day. Finally, after a while, Medea is his. Then, they arrive at the stage, where everyone looks at them with much contentment, except for a few people.

"On this day of glory, people are destined to meet their significant other regardless of the obstacles they face. The same as the partner we are going to honour today. May the Guardian of Angelos bless upon this engagement," Her Holiness said, as Eryx eyes the 'couple' with an uneasy feeling.

That's when he notices the blonde woman who sits tight on her seat, watching the ceremony with an expressionless face. He watches around her and also catches that Marquess Hector and Natalie's aide aren't there.

"What a rare occurrence."

The couple then turns around as the Pope has given her blessings on their engagement ceremony as a custom in Angelos Empire. Some give cheer and happiness to them, making the blonde woman smirk internally at the words. Medea plays well enough with their acting, but Natalie isn't going to allow that to happen. She will not let the woman drown in misery in front of her eyes again.

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