Chapter 89 : One Step at A Time

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The Emperor hums on his way to the dungeon, swirling the blade in his hand as his mind digs for any way to torture Hera until her last breath for daring to toy him with Medea. The dark dungeon greets him once again, leading him to think this would be the last time he steps into this filthy place because a mere weak woman dared to defy him.

"Hera? Hera?" he calls out to the woman in a singsong tone, teasing the woman as if a lion hunts on its prey.

He closes his eyes before peering at the jail, only to find something shocking again. His deadly grip on the blade goes loose as he throws it at the wall, filling the dungeon with clacking sounds. Ares lets out a scornful laugh while his sapphire eyes never blink, looking at the empty jail with the lock open from the heat.

"Natalie is here just now? Too bad I miss her," he chuckles before going into super peeved, splitting his expression swiftly.

The Duchess of Light he has been looking for just teleports in a breath before they meet Ares eye to eye. Hera has been unconscious all along, and Medea could feel how fragile her body is right now, that her divinity power seems to not help to heal her enough. Natalie, without any break, lay Hera next to the bed with Anastasia.

At the same time, Medea used her basic knowledge of medicine and herbs to treat her as the first treatment before Natalie could find the other one for Hera.

"Can you heat water for me?" the amethyst eyes turn to ruby eyes, asking for help to assist her with the herbs.

"Sure," Natalie said in no time, igniting the spark of fire to reheat the water after casting her magical power to produce the liquid.

Medea thanks her after such a short time, as the ruby eyes follow her movement, watching the gorgeous hand reaching for two different dried herbs. She lets them simmer in two separate bowls before pouring an adequate amount of hot water. Then, she stirs one of them until it reaches her desired consistency.

"What is it that you use to treat the wound?" in admiration, Natalie is curious, holding her chin with both hands and watching the other woman.

"I used yarrow staunches and plantain leaf. The yarrow staunches will be beneficial to stop Hera's bleeding faster. At the same time, the plantain will help to heal her wound rapidly," Medea explains briefly while Natalie is helping her with another one to speed up the process.

After a while, Medea speaks again, asking for another favour from the blonde woman, "Can you grab me the lavender essential oil, please?"

"Huh? Alright," Natalie immediately carried out the woman's favour.

Before she could even teleport again, she moved her head to the side, watching the Valimos woman.

"Do you need anything else that I could buy?"

"Five-flower remedy, ask for the infused oil, lavender, and coconut oil to prevent Hera's infection and fade the scar later. Make sure a lot of it since she has large wounds around her body. And clean clothes for the poultice, and any recommendations herb from them. I think that's all," the Duchess Valimos jabbers, causing Natalie almost miss the ingredients she mentioned.

Duchess Smith nods at the instruction before appearing at the herb places, far away from the capital, so people wouldn't recognise her easily. The woman grabs a hood from the nearest site before pulling it over her head, hiding her identity for extra precaution. She reaches the herb shop, and the smells of herbs welcome her nose the moment she steps inside.

Without wasting any time, she lists all of the ingredients Medea mentioned before in a large quantity before asking for additional herbs to treat a wound. But then her mind drifts off to Henadonna in Hector's possession. It would be beneficial for Hera.

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