Chapter 66 : A Bittersweet After

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The three depart separately, preparing to go to the Imperial Palace. But, again, the representatives and nobles demand an audience with the Emperor regarding this matter. Indeed, the Duchess of Light creates an incredible mess, this time on Ares' side.

She rides a horse, marching to the Imperial Palace and goes immediately to the Room of Caesar, where the room is heavily flooded with the Imperial Knight, guarding the three essential people.

"Greetings to the sun and moons of the Empire," the Duchess of Light says upon entering a room.

"How's the situation at the place?" Emperor Atticus ask while coughing.

"His condition is getting worse," Medea observes, but something catches her eyes at that moment.

His skins have a bluish discolouration, while his breathing is irregular. His hand doesn't even move for a long time and hits on the door after stumbling a few moments ago. However, Emperor Atticus never mentions any pain, which means his hand is numb now. His Majesty also shows discomfort over his stomach, rubbing on it occasionally.

"Is that what I think that is?" Medea thought.

"The stage and the red carpet in the aisle burn away, while the others are in good condition. Thankfully, the Imperial Knights manage to act quickly and stop it before the fire spread away. Moreover, there are no casualties," she explains, looking at the Emperor, whose lips are a bit pale.

"Did you find out the cause of it?" Ares interrupts both as the ruby eyes turn her gaze to the sapphire ones.

"No, we are still investigating. However, the fire started from the stage. The fabric we used for the ceremony isn't easy to burn to prevent the slightest spark from igniting a fire. Therefore, it would only burn with the presence of gasoline or alcohol, or black powder.

Oddly, there's no trace of it. Moreover, the stage surrounds by the Imperial Knights, just like we saw. Thus, it is hard to find the cause of it. I am afraid I disappoint you on this one, Your Majesty, Your Highness and Your Grace," Natalie bows to each of them to 'repent' for her mistake in handling such a situation.

"I will gladly receive any punishment from the Imperial Family due to my incompetence," she said when she stood up again, looking at His Majesty.

Ares grips his pants tight. As the amethyst eyes draw her gaze there, she chuckles internally. The event must ruin his next plan as he rarely showcases his feelings in front of people.

"It's fine. There's nothing more you can do at the moment. At the very least, I am glad our people save from it. Thank you for your hard work, Duchess Smith," the Emperor said again after regaining his breath.

"It's my honour, Your Majesty," she lets out the usual fake smile.

The Duchess of Light still stands there, waiting for the Emperor or anyone there to ask her questions.

"However, there's one more thing that Your Majesty needs to know," Duchess Smith starts again.

"What is it?"

"On my way here, the nobles demand an audience to meet the Imperial Family. The representatives from some nations also, waiting at the main hall," she continues to say.

They all fall silent as the Duchesses wait for the Emperor to talk about it. In Atticus' mind, letting go of the House of Valimos is really hard. Not to mention how much political power they could gain from it and taming the raging power from them. He even heard the eldest son, Lord Eli, has come back now assisting his sister in managing the house.

However, something about the sound and the fire doesn't make sense. If this warning from the Guardian Deity, he may as well have to obey it. A knock comes from the door as a man catching his breath comes along.

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