Chapter 37 : Another Day, Another Trial for Duchess Natalie (3)

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"I wonder what your face looks like when your well-thought plan gets ruined in an absolute way."

Duchess Valimos looks up to see Ares' face annoyed at what happened. She wants to laugh so hard at that face. He might have tried everything about that. And Medea gives him credit for that. However, she also has a plan to turn the table.


First of all, why would the knights find her secret state so easily? Medea would never disclose that state without not being purpose on it. Moreover, even if it's under her name, she already paid enough and makes sure the name is disclosed from any side, including the Imperial Family.

So, how can the Imperial Knights suddenly barge into her secret state, feeling confident that the Duchess and the Crown Princess are in there?

It's simple; Hector is the one who lured them out to that location. When they discovered that the decree had been issued to apprehend Duchess Smith and Princess Isis had been severely injured, he was in disguise, spreading the rumour that he had heard Duchess Natalie was in the area.

People thought he was crazy for saying that, but some pretended to, just to be the ones who reported it. So, what exactly did they do? First, they snuck around the state, looking for someone with Natalie's features. Then, with greed slowly eating away at their hearts, they reported it to the Imperial Knights, who were dispatched to find her.

That's the beginning of it.

So, how is Princess Isis here? Alive and well? She's just pretending to be injured, drinking a potion to temporarily stop her breathing, and the side effects were fever and unconsciousness within 24 hours. Yes, it is dangerous, but they have no choice. They must appear as genuine as possible to fool the Palace's physician.

Isis wasn't seriously hurt in the first place. Perhaps she took more hits than she could handle, but she'll be fine with medication and rest. Duchess Natalie is unaware of this because Isis is immediately knocked out when they arrive at Medea's secret state. Yet, here she is, alive and well.

"Your Highness! What exactly are you doing here?" Count Harren asks deliberately.

"Isis!" Isis' mother stands up, shocked to see her daughter alive and healthy.

Princess Isis smiles sheepishly, thinking she will be dead at her mother's hands since she is more afraid of her mother's wrath than of the potion Medea instructed her to drink. So she simply waves at the concubine while mumbling "Mother" to her.

"I am the main victim of this case. Isn't that my right to be present?" she responds to Harren's question as her red eyes glow, snarling looking at the Count.

The Count feels a chill trickling in his back as he suppresses his shiver. Princess Isis appears to be frightening in this pose. He had no idea this sweet woman could have such a terrifying expression.

"My apologies for the late introduction. I am the Crown Princess of the Crassore Empire, Princess Isis," she said, causing the commoners who watch the trials to gasp about such a claim.

When they heard that claim, the judges massaged their heads, anticipating yet another twist in the trial. So what is going on right now?

"Since I am the main victim here, let me tell you the truth about what happened," Isis began to speak before the judge granted her permission.

She is not rude, but she simply wants to clarify things as much as possible. Unfortunately, Duchess Natalie is on the verge of passing out, and Isis wishes she would be released as soon as possible.

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