Chapter 40 : Because... It Exasperates Me

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Warning (Violence)

The windy night arrives as a black figure walks over to the saddle, looking for a specific horse to take her to the promised location. The figure, as usual, wears a black cloak to conceal her female form and distinguishing features, which are her golden hair and ruby eyes. The horse neighs as an unknown figure walk over them, but her horse soon calms down, smelling a familiar scent, like roses with subtle notes of amber and a hint of fresh citrus, along with her delicate touches.

She mounts the horse and begins galloping to the secret location. On her way there, she notices the stars blinking while the moon shines its light on the ground. The breeze continues to kiss her face, which is nearly frozen due to the coldness. As she arrives at the place, another familiar figure waits on her. The same red eyes with raven hair. What she doesn't know is there would be another person besides her. The glowing amethyst eyes look right into her soul. What's she doing here?

"I hope I don't keep Your Highness and Your Grace for too long," Duchess Smith said as she dismounted from the horse.

"Too long," Medea said, cutting off Isis before she even said anything.

Natalie looks at Isis only to smile in annoyance as she ignores the other figure. What's the deal with her? Medea is so annoying these days.

"Your Highness didn't mention earlier that we'd have a stranger tonight," she walks over to Princess Isis and greets her.

Medea examines her surroundings and pretends to find a stranger about whom Natalie wishes to speak.

"A smart stranger," she responds after a while.

Princess Isis sighs internally at the Duchesses, perplexed by what has occurred. They appear to be close, but they are not. Particularly when exchanging remarks.

Natalie huffed in frustration, unable to engage with Medea."

"Now, Your Highness. Shall we go to the main event?"

"Oh yes, they are in there," the trio gets into the house, only to find Devon, Delphia and Henry cowering in fear, tied to the chair.

Devon and Henry almost piss in their pants as two pairs of red, and deep purple eyes watch intensely at them. Their bones feel like jelly. What's even rougher is their expression right now. They can't read what's on their mind, and what could they do to them?

"Which one would you choose?" Isis' deep voice asks, sending the vibrations to the other three, while the Duchesses accept it with an open heart.

The women look at each other as devilish smiles form between the three of them. Meanwhile, the ones being tied feel a shiver running through their spine. So that's how their night begins, with torment, screams and wails from their victims.

"Ah, I'm just as twisted as them," Aurora thought as she heard Devon's cries from Medea's side.

The other has begun, but not the blonde woman. She's not sure what to do with this man, Henry. Would she be satisfied with this? Still, he is one of those who participate in the trial, almost murdering her. But what if Ares makes him do it? What if he has to do that to survive in this world as she did?

It would be impossible because, according to Apollo, Henry married a woman last month. He has been flirting with women and gambling heavily at the bar. Without his wife's knowledge, one of the women is pregnant with his child. His wife is unaware that he spends his money on women because she accepts him completely.

Ares most likely uses this to blackmail him, as his wife is not particularly wealthy, but it is possible to make a living with a family. He's a complete moron. Aurora doesn't understand why. Instead of being upset about being slandered and nearly killed by his words, she is enraged by his infidelity. Just why does she feel mad on that matter more?

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