Chapter 36 : Another Day, Another Trial for Duchess Natalie (2)

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The crowds were still murmuring, wondering about the woman who had just walked in. They've never heard of Daphne Klein before. What could this woman possibly have done to disprove all of Duchess Smith's allegations?

"For those unfamiliar with Daphne Klein, she is one of the servants who accompanied me to my 'meeting' with Princess Isis," Duchess Smith clarifies Daphne's identity to the court.

"Didn't the rumour assert that all victims were dead?"

"Didn't only Henry survive?"

"I object, Your Honour! We cannot rely on her credibility as a witness to such an act because she is a servant in Smith's household. She could be impartial in her testimony!" Harren makes his case to the head judge.

"Oh, she's becoming more cunning by bringing her servants to save her!"

"What a despicable woman!"

"In the Empire, there is no such law that a servant from a specific household is not held accountable. The last case from the nobles comes from Lykaois's household, where the only witness is the household itself. The victim was killed, and the suspect is one of the noble's daughters. If it can bring justice to their children, why can't it bring justice to Daphne and this case and be impartial to my household as well?" Duchess Natalie said this while looking directly at Harren, piercing now to his mind.

"Objection sustained," the head judge said, allowing the defendant to continue questioning the witness.

Natalie begins her question by thanking the judge.

"Can you tell us what happened that day, Daphne?"

"The day was perfect, and Princess Isis wanted to surprise the Duchess by taking her to the waterfall. Her Highness also instructed us to bring other spare clothes for Her Grace in a discrete manner. So we enjoyed ourselves that evening until the light was consumed by the darkness of the night. Henry asked me to bring something to the waterfall as we were leaving. But that something did not exist, so I wasted a lot of time looking for it while being watched by one of the kidnappers.

Finally, I was apprehended and restrained. They put clothes in my mouth to keep me from screaming while they dragged me around to wait for the others. The assassins surrounded everyone who had been lured into the trap. Princess Isis fought back, but they threatened her by attempting to kill Henry here, unaware he was their accomplice.

As soon as they finished apprehending us, they blindfolded all of us until we reached the carriage. I suppose we'll all be separated and go to a different location after that," Daphne concludes her story.

As expected, Daphne's story collides with Henry's. This would be complicated and bad for Harren's side because it would invalidate both claims.

"So, there was no accident at all?"

"No, we arrived safely at the location but were separated," she explained.

"We still don't believe her credibility on that!"

"However, what if she's telling the truth?"


"Yes, we were separated from the Crown Princess. She was on the other side while we were tortured for fun because we were useless. The other friend who was with me was in a critical condition and was still being treated at an unknown location for her safety," Daphne continued to respond to Natalie's questions.

"That made me think of one thing: you said you were apart from Her Highness, Princess Isis, correct?"

"Yes, Your Grace," Daphne nods.

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