Chapter 44 : Mission Gone Wrong

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The Duchesses are now running from Harren's people to avoid drawing attention. But, unfortunately, the blonde woman landed at the wrong place again as she landed both of them in front of Harren's gate. The deep purple eyes glare at Aurora as she could give her a stupid smile.

"Why did you teleport us to the place that would reveal us the most?" Medea is still glaring at Aurora.

"Um, I'm not sure," the blonde could only chuckle awkwardly.

They are on the verge of being discovered by the knight guards. Fortunately, Medea's memories of threatening Harren allow them to slip away and enter the manor. Luckily, count Harren is notorious for his greed and arrogance.

Historically, the House of the Valimos was the wealthiest noble, with an outstanding manor, followed by the Smiths and others. Harren isn't on the list, but he enjoys bragging about his wealth to other nobles. He even dreams of defeating the Valimos and achieving it when Medea donates her entire fortune to the Temple.

However, the Smiths are now the wealthiest, which irritates him. Smith's business is thriving like never before, and the Valimos appear to be financially secure. Moreover, they profit from the industry and continue to expand. Medea continues to live up to the expectations placed on her by the Valimos name and reputation.

Besides, Lord Eli has been invested in the business as the investor of the Valimos. The Valimos never disclosed their worth now, and he is sure that they are somewhere on the list again. How can Duchess Medea achieve it in two years? They are moving at a frightening pace.

"First, we have to go to his office," Medea said while looking around.

However, security has gotten tightened now. Harren must be paranoid after her last attack on the manor.

"Then, we should use my magic to teleport there," Aurora is about to move her hand to open the portal once again.

"No," Medea said coldly.


Duchess Medea could only nod at Aurora. She peeps through the wall, finding an opportunity to go to Harren's office. There's something she wants to get back at there.

"Why?" Medea closes her eyes at Aurora's question.

Medea cannot risk having Aurora accidentally land them in front of Harren. So she keeps walking while the blonde woman follows close behind. The blonde woman looks around until she comes into contact with Medea's back.

"Ouch!" Aurora whines slightly loudly, attracting the guards to look in their way.

Duchess Medea's instinct takes over as she places her hand on the blonde's mouth and conceals them behind a discreet wall. The sounds of approaching knights are getting closer. It's like they are moving in slow motion. The Duchesses held their breath at the moment, and Aurora could feel Natalie's heart about to burst any moment, pulling Medea closer to her at the wall. Aurora also notices one of the knights approaching their position, and his hands are visible from her sight. Medea sees it, and Natalie's ruby eyes widen with panic. Her grip on Medea is getting tighter.

"What are you two doing there?" the knight asks as Medea prepares to launch an attack.


She is about to try to escape when the man says, "Nothing, just checking on something."

The Duchesses notice another knight questioning both knights about their actions. Then they left, and the blonde woman could feel her heart slow until it beat so wildly again. She realizes how close Medea is to her body, and her hands continue to grip her waist. Her ruby eyes start to look up at the amethyst eyes, feeling the blood rush to her face. It is fortunate for her in the dark that Medea couldn't see her face as a tinted blush. Aurora knows Medea is a gorgeous woman with a beauty mark under her right eye. It is so alluring, especially under a dimmed light right now.

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