Chapter 31 : Healing the Duchess of Light

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As the horses neigh, a carriage arrives at Veronica's, prompting Veronica to step outside. Veronica smiles at their familiar faces but senses something out of the picture. There is an unknown figure, and Veronica is looking for a certain blonde.

"We need your additional help," Lord Apollo said before Veronica could register anything.

"What exactly is it, my lord?" she furrows her brows.

"Duchess Natalie has been fatally shot. Therefore, we require the magicians brought by Winter," Lord Apollo responds more.

Veronica is staring at them, trying to make sense of what she is hearing. As the realisation dawns on her, she immediately understands and facilitates Natalie to be carried inside. She then goes to Winter's and tells him about the magician. Soon after, the magicians arrive to check on the blonde in the room.

They were all waiting outside. Lord Apollo is concerned about the Duchess as the other three figures pace around him. Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the magicians appear and are finally able to restore her magical power. Regarding her wound, they must wait for her to awaken from her sleep and then for it to heal as usual.

Medea is thinking about something and will ask Hera to heal Natalie later once everything is clear. So she summons Hector and instructs him to go to Nicoli's manor to request Hera to recover the Duchess. Hector does not hesitate to carry out her order, but he whines about it internally.

Marquess Alwyn is never fond of Hera initially because he always doubts her at the start of Medea and Hera's friendship. He was protective of the Duchess and believed that everyone, except her nanny and him, would easily betray Medea when necessary. Moreover, Hera is not an exception to that. Hector and Medea's nanny would die for the Duchess without a doubt.

Although hypothetically, he is partially correct, Hera accepts Ares' proposal to become his Crown Princess at that time. But, in Hera's defence, she was being tricked by him. Being confined in the basement and saved by Ares is a part of the manipulation cycle, and she scratches her way to find a hole keeping herself from being swallowed. That is why Medea no longer holds grudges against her and has made peace with it. She understands the source of her pain and will no longer be resentful of Hera.

As Hector leaves for his mission, Medea returns inside to look for Lord Apollo. But he's not there. So the Duchess proceeds to Natalie's room, only to discover Isis sitting in the chair, holding the blonde's hand. Meanwhile, Apollo is dozing off in another chair, most likely due to exhaustion and that earlier pacing.

Duchess Valimos' gaze was fixed on Isis' hand, clutching Natalie's. They appear to be close after their 'date' at the time. She has also seen the waterfall area, which is lovely. Unfortunately, the Crown Princess is so engrossed in her thoughts that she doesn't notice Medea standing behind her, watching all of them.

"Princess Isis, please take a break," a hand on Isis' shoulder, shaking the Crown Princess lightly.

Isis was jolted out of it, almost falling out of her chair.

"Duchess Medea. You frightened me!" she presses her chest.

"It's alright. I'll have to wait for Her Grace to wake up. It's entirely my fault that she has ended up this way," Isis returns her gaze to the blonde.

Duchess Medea realises that Princess Isis is a kind-hearted woman who is always concerned about her people. So it's no surprise she gives up herself for the sake of her Empire. The raven-haired beauty will make an excellent leader. But something about the Crown Princess bothers her, and she has no idea why.

"May I speak with you, Princess Isis?" Medea inquires, causing the raven-haired beauty to return at the amethyst eyes.

It sounds serious, but now that the situation has calmed down, she agrees with the Duchess about the conversation. They both leave the room and go to a more private location.

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