Chapter 11 : The Oracle or The Alliance?

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The day Hera finally meets her aspirations, Medea, becomes another day of struggle instead. Since their public relationship has not improved and still has the most significant negative impact on Medea's reputation, they are in their best interests to maintain that reputation. Hera notices that the sky is gloomier than usual, and the ambient brightness that usually bathes the area is noticeably reduced. With James's oracle in mind, the chill in the air that always makes her shiver is now unbearable. The situation isn't helped by the fact that Duchess Medea dropped by unexpectedly today. Obviously, this is a situation that requires immediate attention.

"I hope Duchess Medea is well now," Hera hopes in her heart.

After the Crown Princess finishes her make-up, she stands on her balcony, waiting for a Valimos' carriage in sight. She is excited to meet the Duchess again. It has been a while since that. Before the Crown Princess competition, it was known within the Empire that both ladies were best friends. The Crown Princess would follow her lady everywhere, while Medea is known to adore Hera the most. People always praise their relationship at that time until it goes downhill afterwards, and Medea takes all the blame for it. With the hot-temper personality, it does not help Lady Valimos either after getting dumped as the Crown Princess.


"It is fortunate for the Angelos Empire not to have a wicked woman as our future Empress!"

"Lady Hera is more passionate and cares about us commoners than anyone."

Hera remembers how many nobles, including commoners, mocked the Duchess for failing to win the Crown Prince's love. On the other hand, the Crown Princess at the time, who still had faith in Medea, made an effort to reconcile with her. However, Duchess Medea was still resentful of Hera at the time for losing her nanny and becoming the cold-hearted villainess people portrayed her to be. It's unfortunate for both women to be played to that extent by Ares. If they hadn't been switching bodies simultaneously, Hera would have passed away by now, and Medea would have been put to death for Hera's murder.

The Crown Princess looks in space until she finally sees a Valimos carriage from afar.

"Lady Medea is coming!" Hera rejoices internally.

She looks jubilant from it but soon recovers to a neutral face. Many would not guess that the servants in Nicoli's manor are Ares' subordinates to keep an eye on Hera. He probably worried that Hera would do anything to hurt herself, to be exact, her divinity power.

"You shouldn't act too excited for her, Hera. So many eyes are watching you and her now," the Crown Princess almost smacks herself for forgetting the important thing.

It would have been weird for her to overreact to Medea's sudden visit. Any wrong move from her would be observed and notified to the Crown Prince. Thus, she walks down the stairs and waits by the door for Duchess Valimos. It is a courtesy to greet someone.

"Welcome to my manor--"

"Good evening, Lady Hera," the blonde woman greets her at the manor but is quickly cut off by Medea.

As if the villainess did it on purpose. As usual, the Duchess' cold demeanours intimidate the servants of Nicoli. Hera can feel most of the servants avoid looking the Duchess in the eye. Well, not everyone can handle being looked at in such a way, especially by the infamous villainess, Medea Valimos. The Crown Princess understands that feeling well because that gaze has previously looked at her with hatred. Now, as she knows that only for acting, she is comfortable with that gaze. The Crown Princess then leads the Duchess to the tea room.

"Thank you, Lady Hera. But first, send away all of your servants", the Duchess smiles at the Crown Princess.

"My Lady--"

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