Chapter 90 : The Schemes

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After hearing from the shadow knights that there may be a hidden passage linking Vazoels, Crassore, and Angelos, the Emperor called for the return of his Imperial Knights and mobilised them to attack the Southeast region. They've been collecting much new information lately, especially since returning from their mission to track down Smith's knights.

In light of his already possessing divine power, Her Holiness offers him the same level of assistance. Unfortunately, Ares has no other way to coerce her into going through with his scheme but to threaten to expose her evil doings in the future. To add insult to injury, Ares proposes that they work together to reclaim control of the Temple from the Cardinal before he gains too much influence.


"Greeting to the sun of Empire, Emperor Ares," Her Holiness greets the Emperor, who invites her to have tea.

Deep inside, she knows this is no ordinary tea with the new Emperor, as the letter mentioned sharing her wisdom on ruling the Empire. But, it is more than that, deeper beyond people's imagination. The young Emperor sits opposite her, smiling wickedly while raising and waving his hand to let the servants leave them alone.

"How have you been after a while, Your Holiness?" Ares starts with small talk, warming the anxious woman in front of him playfully.

He knows how much Natalie damages her reputation by the Duchess' stage that day until it continues to make Eryx's influence soar up in the sky while she hits rock bottom.

"Just like any day with its up and down," the Pope replies indirectly, sealing her own intention to agree to come here today.

The Emperor puts his hands on the table, crossing his fingers, observing the Pope in front of him. He notices how much she has aged now, despite her practically young for her age. To think this woman is as wicked as any other people he met is quirky yet unsurprising. The quiet one should be one of the people you should watch for.

"To what I owe you a pleasure today, Your Majesty?" Her Holiness cuts to the chase, knowing too well it is not going to end well either way.

Ares let out a demonic laugh that could only make the Pope paralyses from that sound. She knows the man isn't any man or Emperor since the first time she lays her eyes on him. Something about him shone brightly that he tried to hide from people in his childhood, twisting her guts when she wondered how he would be when he grew up.

Never in her wildest dream will the young child she saw that day be here, offering something to her that she knows she is tempted to accept rather than refusing it.

"This winter, the pile of snow, doesn't it remind Your Holiness of something?" the anxiety eclipsed the Pope's thoughts, her curiosity piquing at the statement as her eyes and face hardened.

"You know? About how the nobilities fight among each other, creating their own factions, but one figure from another side joins in hand to destroy that one particular side. Sadly enough, that bloody fight ends up with two deaths, leaving one parentless, lost in the darkness," Ares curls up his mouth inward, forming a frown, showing his fake sadness over the news.

It is contrary to what Her Holiness feels right now. Her eyes widened in shock as she strained to conceal her fear but failed miserably. The sapphire eyes cast a glance at her with blithe looks when his poisonous words started to take their effects.

During the last time, before Medea and Natalie became the Duchesses of each dukedom, their parents were in conflict when the Smiths found out about Lucinius' crimes but had no concrete evidence.

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