Chapter 59 : Imperial Burial Ground

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Nothing has hit the mark of chaos among the people of the Angelos Empire at that time unless it is today. The Day of the Depression. People mourn over the death of the Empress as the sky becomes gloomier than usual, letting dim sunlight shine through the dark side of the Angelos Empire.

The sound of the Imperial Knights march through the road, while people on the side of the road waiting with heavy hearts, sad over the Empress' coffin in passing by to be buried at the Imperial Ground Burial. Along the route, citizens of the Empire would traditionally scatter white chrysanthemums and marigolds as a mark of respect for the departed. The Crown Prince leads the marches, saddling on a white horse, tears coating his eyes and dark circles beneath it.

The Emperor himself also, besides the Crown Prince, for the ritual. People can see his skin appear thinner and hollowed out under the eyes. His once studious body turns into little smaller than before, allowing some joints to pop out visibly. After the accusation that former Duchess Valimos poisoned the Emperor, both are bedridden. Medea's mother's condition gets worsened than the Emperor's.

However, for some reason, the Emperor still can't lead the nation in his stead, letting his son, Prince Ares, lead instead. This is because his body gets weaker due to the poison effects.

The scene has an emotional impact on people. People who had previously disputed that Lady Hera was responsible for the entire event began to change their minds after looking at these facts. However, Ares manages to turn the event through the sad act he displays to everyone. As soon as they arrive at the Imperial Ground Burial, the nobles stand in a line sideways, bowing to give the last respect to Empress Ophelia.

Ares glances over to the side, watching a particular purple-haired woman. The more he looks at Medea, the closer he gets to make her his Empress again. However, the woman, still playing hard to get from him, never glance at him even once at the funeral. Duchess of the Light notices this, gripping her black dress, almost ripping it off.

"On this fateful day, the sky and land of the Angelos mourn over the loss of our beloved, Empress Ophelia Atranitus. Nevertheless, the Empress will not be lost and be engraved within every Angelos' people. It will not be a separation for all of eternity. Empress Ophelia shall rest in peace in the arms of Guardian Deity," the Pope said, leading the funeral day.

"Guardian Deity must have blessed me on this beautiful day," Ares thought, not feeling any guilt trip in his heart after killing his mother.

After a few rituals, it is the Emperor's turn to speak. A lot has happened under his son's reign, as he realised the old nobles stuck by his side are gone. The most noticeable one would be Duke Lucinius, Medea's father. His sapphire eyes that Ares inherit burn into her eyes in a few seconds.

In the beginning, the Emperor always favour Medea's side. From her intelligence and credibility to lead the nation. How her impressive diplomatic skills were at the Crown Princess competition. It's a shame that he let her go as the future Empress. However, he believes his son's happiness is the most essential part. That's why he slides it off the moment the competition rig by Ares without his knowledge.

"Thank you for coming to the funeral today. It's a sad day for us to mourn the loss of the mother of this Empire. However, the Imperial Family will thoroughly investigate the perpetrator of the Empress' death. And I will announce that the engagement between Ares Angelos and Hera Nicoli will be annulled," gasps can be heard from here and there.

"I will make sure the perpetrator be punished accordingly to our law for such heinous crime," although sick, the sound of affirmation from the Emperor can be exceptionally comforting for the people.

"What a sly fox," Natalie thought.

By letting the Emperor's mouth utter the words Ares wants, he is already a few steps ahead of them by killing two birds with one stone. He must feel enthralled at this moment. The moment his engagement breaks is the moment he can get a taste of Hera's divinity power and get whatever he wants, which is Duchess Valimos to fall and beg on her knees at him.

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