Chapter 94 : Twist after Twist

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After Empress Ophelia's death and Natalie causes a massacre, creating a non-existing curse upon Ares, Medea cannot risk the fact that Emperor Atticus will be the next target. Besides, the day she confines herself to the man, he slowly displays signs of someone getting poisoned with conditions.

Then, she went to Natalie's manor on the day, where Natalie was surprised and saw her suddenly go there. Next, they move to Alwyn's manor, discussing the further plan. Finally, on that fateful night, the Duchesses arrived at the Emperor's chamber, when Natalie immediately snapped her fingers to stop the motion around them.

The poor man almost died in surprise because of them instead of dying poisoned by his son. However, he knows something not right happened when he saw the two infamous Duchesses who had rumours and feuds with each other were together. And how intimidating both women were when they were together, side by side.

"Medea? And you? Natalie, right?" he addresses them by their first name, as he is the one with the highest hierarchy in the room.

Medea recognises this smell. It is poison. Since her body built resistance to most poison, it didn't take a toll on her, except for Duchess Smith. Natalie then opens the window to breathe out while letting the smoke up to the window and her ice power wipes out the flame.

"Your Majesty," Medea breathed out.

"What are you two doing in my chamber?" the Emperor's lips curl inward, frowning over what's happening.

"I believe we have something to discuss, Your Majesty," Natalie interrupts the conversation, inserting herself among the two of them.

The Emperor is not fooled enough to know that the Duchesses must have something on their hands until they need to wait for midnight to talk with him. Regardless, it must be something he must have a look at! Although he is still bedridden, he has a responsibility toward the Empire.

"You may proceed," he said, coughing on blood on the sheets while the blonde woman handed out a bare handkerchief to the Emperor.

"It is about your son, Ares. He planned to kill you soon after Empress Ophelia to be an Emperor," Duchess Valimos said in a firm voice.

However, it caused the man in dazed by the information alone.

Which parents would believe their good son would kill them? Especially it is another person to tell that?

"I know his engagement with you is cursed by the Guardian Deity that day. And I have mentioned and claimed multiple apologies to you. I truly want you to lead this Empire along with my son. But, it doesn't mean you are allowed to make such a traitor accusation to him," the man's voice turns stern from soft, talking with Medea.

"You know I am not playing around, Your Majesty. Do I sound facetious to you right now?" Duchess Valimos tilts her head, sitting next to the Emperor.

"This chamber has been poisoned by him. That smoke, did he say it is for medical purposes? Or does the physician say that? Regardless, they all lied to you, waiting for the right time to push you from the throne," Medea adds, looking at the smoke that Natalie still trying to bring out of the room.

The Emperor looked down, stared in disbelief and gritted his teeth over such a claim. There's no way his son would do that! So, therefore, he is a righteous person for Atticus.

"Leave my chamber now. There's nothing we should talk about," Atticus' frosty voice and stare at the Duchesses, but they are too far from being intimidated by that.

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