Chapter 81 : Confusion

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Great insight had been gained by both women, but their enemy was on the move. The mercenaries had infiltrated the mine of the Crassore Empire by posing as fresh hires. Several days have passed, and they still haven't spotted their prey, but today is likely the day they finally succeed. Probably.

Aelius oversees the employees as he checks on the continuing lack of sapphires. He is perplexed about how Princess Isis negotiated with the late Duchess Valimos for the ownership of such lucrative mines. As soon as he finishes up, he leaves to attempt and pay a visit to Lady Hera, the former crown princess of the Angelos Empire.

Mindlessly, he strolls along, oblivious to the two individuals trailing behind him. Finally, he takes a few steps toward the lake, where she is, Hera, perched atop a nearby tree. She has been spending more time there after Duchess Medea's death. Most likely, she'll attempt to relax or miss Duchess Valimos.

"My Lady?" Aelius decided to call her off.

The blonde lady opens her eyes, revealing her bewitching emerald eyes to Aelius.

"Am I disturbing you now?"

"No, I was resting for a moment," Hera flashes her smile.

"Is there something I should know?" the Countess asks, as Aelius always come to her, conveying important messages only.

So, it is natural for her to ask and think that way.

"No, the kitchen said you have been returning your food lately. So they are anxious that you probably won't like the food."

"Oh, it's not like that. The food is good, but I don't have an appetite lately," Hera realises her mistake but continues to make an explanation to avoid the misunderstandings any longer.

As they are both conversing, two figures watch over them, nodding to each other. They have found the target, and it's a matter of time to strike.

They both return to the mines, approaching their leader about the target. After a few discussions, they have decided to strike tomorrow and leave the place as soon as possible.

"Make sure to prepare our weapon enough to counterattack for a backup plan," the leader said to the other four.

They nod at his command and continue to do their undercover jobs while rejoicing that they will get their target and prize tomorrow.

Tomorrow comes faster than they thought, and they are more ready to strike. To make it looks natural, one of them pretends to be sick and informs Aelius not able to go to work. Aelius is a nice guy; wishing him to get well soon and allow the man to rest for the day. However, the man already awaits the blonde woman at her casual spot by the lake.

He takes his station, ready to tell the others about the blonde woman. Hera eventually arrives by herself beside the lake, where she relaxes by leaning against a tree trunk in the shade. She sings along with the tune, blissfully oblivious to the fact that the man is following her.

The man then moves, releasing the pigeon as a signal that he has found the woman, alerting the other men lingering in front of the mine. Since the one who pays them has been warned to be careful around her, their leader asks the other two to help apprehend the woman. Although he can't deny the woman looks fragile and small, that only one of them should be enough to catch her.

His men obey, running to the place. But, before they could arrive, the sounds of screaming filled the area, attracting them to go over there swiftly. Hera is utilising her divinity power to defeat the man, but enough not to kill them. Then, she runs around but bumps into the other two men, wielding swords and ready to injure her. But, she can quickly use her power to defeat them and run to a safe place.

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