Chapter 22 : Oracle's Meaning

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"Which darkness do the Guardian Deity wants us to follow?" Bishop Marcus said during their discussion on figuring out the oracle.

It would be much easier for Eryx to interpret the meaning since he is the last one who can read the oracle without any problem. However, this oracle seems different from what he encountered before. Therefore, he cannot conclude that the darkness and light things are confusing. The Cardinal had another hunch about the light, which is the most plausible answer.

The light! It would be coming from the Imperial Family, the sun of the Angelos Empire. The sun, which would be the Emperor and Empress, acts as the light for its people, guiding them by ruling in compassion and responsibility. However, it also applies to Ares since it makes sense since Ares will be the one who will ascend the throne soon. Even more, Ares rules these days, not the Emperor himself, regarding the internal and external affairs in the Imperial Palace and the Empire.

"Who will be the darkness if Ares is the light?" though which of them will be the darkness as he immerses himself in his thoughts.

If Eryx tells them about it, it will be clear he has a grudge against the Imperial Family. Not to mention, Ares never likes him in the first place. Mostly, it would tarnish both the Temple's and its reputation. But that is irrelevant to him. His main concern is how the Bishops, including the Pope, will react to this. He suspects that majority of them have already conspired with the Crown Prince to gain divinity power, although they aren't aware of the ability in the first place.

The Pope knows about the divinity power since he is the one who chooses Hera to be the Crown Princess, disregarding the contest winner, Medea. But, what is even more suspicious, rather than trying to find the truth behind the oracles here, some are too quiet for Eryx's liking. Usually, these Bishops would be the ones who are yelling at him for not telling the oracles. But, perhaps they have known its meaning and decided not to tell it to people? Or is there something that lies beneath that facade?

What had Ares offered these people until they dared, especially in the Temple? He is furious as he watches the Temple deteriorate. It is corrupted, and his position is insufficient to control the Temple. Since he has been away from the Temple for too long, the Pope keeps bugging him to do minor tasks. He is powerless to respond. It is true that the Cardinal has been away for too long and will probably doesn't know about heavy works in the Temple.

But, like Medea, he knows better. The Cardinal can restore the Temple to its former glory. That is why he agreed to help Medea. He understands that Ares would destroy the Empire, and Medea has the potential to bring him down and rule the Empire. He is, however, wary of Medea's method of handling things. It's far too vicious. Same as Natalie. That reminds Eryx of that night and last night's murders.

"Your Eminence, what do you think about the oracle?" Bishop Frederick interrupts his train of thought.

When he looks up, every pair of eyes turns to him, waiting for his response to the oracle. Eryx has no qualms about discussing trivial matters, but is it wise to do so now? Or should he wait for the right moment to say it?

"I am sure we will be able to decipher the meaning of the darkness soon. I have already received intuition from the Guardian Deity regarding the next piece of the statement, 'the light will blind its surroundings," he finishes his thought.

The Bishops, including the Pope, are concerned. Of course, they do not have the same ability as the Cardinal to communicate with the Guardian Deity in this manner, but they have a general idea about the light.

"The most plausible one would be the suns. As we all know, the first Emperor, the first Sun of the Angelos Empire, brought a new light to the Empire, allowing it to survive and thrive as it does today. But, unfortunately, I have received that the light would bring us to doom sooner or later. It would lead to one thing, the destruction of the Angelos Empire," the Bishops gasp at his answer, shaking in disapproval.

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