Chapter 53 : The Day before Holy Day

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At the Smith manor, an enigmatic figure can be seen dodging and ducking its way past the security personnel. As they arrive on the balcony, the door opens and invites her to step inside. As she does so, she observes how significantly the room has evolved over the previous year. Likely, they are not the same person anymore. She steps inside with light steps, not wanting to make any sound.

"It is rude to sneak in without greeting someone, my Lady," the blonde voices out, emerging from behind.

As a reflex, Medea immediately pins her down, causing Aurora to feel the pain from the right side of her body spread widely. She groans painfully, whimpering at the rough move.

"Hmph!" Medea immediately lets her go at the moment.

The Duchess of Light instinctively touches her wound, probably trying to feel if it opens again.

"My apologies. Are you alright?" Medea asks, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you attacking me when you are the one who sneaks into my room? You are lucky that I didn't freeze you," the ruby eyes panting heavily, trying to catch her breath. Her nose flamed angrily, giving a burning glare to the Duchess Valimos.

The Duchesses are having a staring contest until Medea accepts her mistake and apologises to the blonde woman.

"It's alright. What are you doing here?" the Duchesses now sit on the couch, where Aurora unconsciously lets out a cold tone again to Medea.

"I have multiple questions for you," Medea doesn't beat around the bush at this time.

Aurora has a hunch about what she will ask, but she knows it is time to talk about it now. So, the blonde woman nods at the words.

"Do you know what happens and everything about us through the book only?" as she expected, that is the first question Medea asks.

"Yes and no," the amethyst eyes look at the ruby eyes intensely at the answer.

"I learn about the history of all the main characters: you and I, Hera, Eryx, Hector and Ares. The story mainly revolves around you and Hera. The other time is through Natalie's memories; sometimes I got a vision from the past, the moment someone summons me in here."

"A vision?"

Aurora then explained how she always got a headache and fell asleep around Medea was the time she got it. Moreover, she also notices that the vision only comes whenever she is with Medea. However, the pain will vanish as soon as she is fully conscious as if it had never happened before.

"Hmm, but you never know who summons you?" Duchess Medea continues her question.

"I only know Duchess Anastasia and another unknown figure. For some reason, I can't make out their face, although I tried to," the blonde woman tries to ransack her brain about essential details of each dream.

"How was it in the past?"

Since Medea is the novel's main character, she manages to defeat Ares and Natalie, ascend the throne, and become the first Empress of Angelos Empire's history. However, after ten years, someone was meeting and begging Duchess Anastasia to revive back the time. The figure said that Natalie sacrificed herself for them from the letter she sent to the constitution.

"But, I don't know what lies within the letter. The figure catches every corrupt people involved, torturing them in the most unthinkable way. The one I remember the most was Harren," the Duchess of Light frowns a bit when remembering it.

Then she tells everything she knows about the dream, as her forehead furrows together, not leaving any details about it. Except for that, she suspects that Medea is the figure in the vision. It sounds absurd and not at the same time.

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