Chapter 98 : Enchanted to Meet You

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The night comes again when the sexual tension keeps getting thicker. Empress Medea doesn't know what to do with the blonde woman. With the blonde woman suddenly straddling her in bed, she feels turned on but afraid to do anything. Fearful that the woman will laugh and leave it off. So she just looks at her like a stone, without any movements. Now, the two of them are having a staring contest. Both of them are wondering what's on their own mind.

"Why do you hold yourself back?" Natalie whispers to Medea, hitting her smoky voice in the right place.

She places her hand on Medea's cheeks. Unfortunately, their foreheads are too close, almost touching each other. As a result, they can feel each additional hot breath. Not to mention they both miss this. A lot.

"I miss you," Natalie leans in to kiss Medea.

Medea woke up from her dream. The Empress now always dream about her love and miss her. She could feel her heart's palpitations, thinking she could die from missing Natalie alone.

After thinking about everything that has happened, the Empress wears her silk robe and goes to the balcony. Maybe try to get some fresh air and forget the dream. The moonlight looks so bright tonight, while the sky is so clear, although it's night. As if something indicates it is a good night. Indeed, it is store something great for the first Empress of the Valimos Empire.

That's when a familiar rose scent comes through her nose. The smell she misses the most, and used to enjoy until it is not there for 5 years. Terrors shoot through her heart as Medea takes a type of another power to look around and meets with the ruby eyes.

"Medea?" the voice that Medea used to hear for the past few years finally pierced through her eardrums with the Duchess' honeyed voice.

The Empress stopped in her track as her breath hitched from the sight. Natalie smiles at Medea, happy to see her again.

"Tell me this is not a dream again," Medea hopes, whispering faintly underneath her breath.

Natalie is also in vain when returning to her world and miserable, knowing she will never return to Medea's world. She possesses no power in that world, just an ordinary woman. Her siblings feel weird about her behaviour change. It turns out that while Aurora is in Natalie's body, she is in a coma and had cancer. So, she lost her will to fight for life.

As she reaches her last moment as Aurora again, she writes everything in her diary about her moments in Angelos Empire. From the day she met Medea until she returned from that world, she reminisces such roller-coaster events and emotions, wondering what Medea would be like right now as the new Empress. Aurora thought she would be gone forever, as her mind could only fill about Medea on the other side of the world.

Yet, the Goddess has another plan to move her as Duchess Natalie again.

As soon as she occupied Natalie's body, she was suddenly in front of the Empress's chamber. Feeling too excited to see Medea, her heart warms again at the thought. The Duchess of Light now walks over to Medea, extending her arms, waiting for the other woman to reciprocate her action. Meanwhile, Medea is still in denial, feeling it is like a dream.

"Medz, this is not a dream. I'm here forever now with you," the Duchess speaks again, compelling Medea to realise it is the reality.

Empress, still seemingly hypnotised by this recent event, while Natalie lowers her arms and stares at the statue in front of her. Then, suddenly, a rush of emotions comes to the Empress, and she cries without realising it. The blonde's heart tugs on seeing this as she takes steps, wiping Medea's tears and hugging the Empress.

"It's okay, just let it out", Natalie said while crying with Medea, wrapping her arms tight.

Their shared absence is keenly felt by both women. The events seem as fresh in their minds as they had just occurred. Therefore, they embrace each other and hold on tight, reluctant to let go until Natalie finally intervenes. Tonight, Natalie appears ethereal in Medea's eyes; her golden hair is still soft, and her ruby eyes sparkle in the moonlight.

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