The Road Continues... (Prologue)

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Y/n goes to the portal one more time to deliver another combined attack.

Y/n: "Magic with a-"

Before Y/n could land his attack, however, he was grabbed out of the air by the throat before getting slammed down onto the ground, knocking the wind out of him.

Y/n's voice: "Yep, That's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation. Well, it all started when my shrink decided to skip out on me on our regularly scheduled meetings"

Y/n's voice:"Why did my shrink skip out in me, you ask? To understand that, we'll have to go way back"

Time then seems to rewind, pieces of debris falling back to their place until the rewind sped up until it stops in a view of Manhattan with Y/n in his Spider-man suit overlooking the city.

Y/n's voice: "Manhattan, The city that never sleeps, The city that always smells like shit, but a city I like to call home nonetheless"

Y/n then dove off the building he's perched on, gaining speed as he falls before shooting a web to a nearby building where he began swinging across.

Y/n's voice: "The city has its norms, Thugs lurking around dark alleyways, Police patrolling around 24/7, Supervillains becoming a normal occurrence, and One hero that's keeping this city from going apeshit"

We see a couple of sets of eyes from the dark alley before stepping into the light, revealing a group of hooded thugs. We then see a police cruiser wailing its siren as they chase after the Rhino.

Y/n then zipped towards a building and ran across its window panels before jumping off to perform a trick.

Y/n's voice: "Who is this hero you may ask, it's me Y/n L/n. Your friendly neighborhood-"

Kid: "Spider-man, will you stop narrating?"

*record scratch* *glass break*

Y/n: "Huh? What the-? *flips script* This wasn't supposed to happen"

Kid: "You were narrating, it's pretty unnecessary"

Y/n: "But it-...It's the second book, you're supposed to have a recap to show that it's the second book"

Kid: "But why?"

Y/n: "For the people who don't read descriptions"

Kid: "Spider-man, we're not idiots. Just go out there and do your thing"

Y/n: *sigh* "Fine..."

Zipping up to a street lamp with a flagpole, Y/n built up his momentum around the pole before launching himself into the air.

Y/n: *distant* "But what if I want to share something cool with-"


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