(S.I.L.K arc) Part 8

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Y/n was sent flying across the room, his body slamming against the wall, knocking the wind out of his body. Despite the beatings, Y/n continues to push himself to his feet, with difficulty that increase every try.

Cindy: "There's no use fighting back. The more you push yourself, the more power you exert. And the more power you exert, the stronger I get"

Y/n: *groan* "I hate it when bad guys are right"

Cindy then shoots a web from her mech and attached to Y/n's back. She then tugs on the web, pulling Y/n off the floor before getting crushed by the mech's arms.

Y/n: *struggle* "Wait, I'd like to think about my last words"

Cindy: "I think you've said enough"

Cindy's spider-mech then protrudes a blade from its arm and puts it close to Y/n's neck.

Cindy: "Prepare to meet your demise!"

Before Cindy could drag the blade across Y/n's neck, two black webs stuck onto the arms of the mech.

Cindy: "What the-!?"

Turning to the direction of the webs, Cindy was immediately met with a kick across the cockpit glass.

The impact was strong enough to knock the spider-mech away, allowing Y/n to be released from Cindy's grasp.

Before Y/n could fall to the ground, the black web connects to his back before getting pulled under a figures arm. 

They then swung over to a platform above the battleground and placed Y/n against the railing.

???: "You okay, Y/n?"

Once he was situated, Y/n looked over to the figure just as they pulled back their mask to see Gwen with a look of concern towards Y/n.

Y/n: "Huh...look at you two bonding"

Venom's face then appears as half of Gwen's mask.

Venom: "You look pale, Y/n"

Y/n: "I'll be fine"

Gwen peeks over their cover and sees Cindy just about to recover.

Gwen: "Got any ideas on how to beat that thing?"

Y/n: "It mimics our powers, minus the spider-sense. So basically a massive crutch"

Gwen: *scoff* "A bit of an oversimplification, but it's a good start"

Venom conjures the mask around Gwen's face, as they look over at Y/n one more time.

Gwen: "Hang tight, okay? I'll end this"

Y/n: "Give 'em hell, Gwenom"

Gwen looked back at Y/n, giving him a parting nod before vaulting the railing.
Once she dropped back to the platform, Gwen landed in a three-point stance as Cindy regained control of her mech.

Cindy: "Ahh...Spider-woman. So glad you could join us"

Gwen: "You're gonna pay for what you did to Y/n"

Cindy: "Oh don't worry...you'll be next!"

The two ran across the room, meeting in the middle as each took a swing against their opponent.

With superior reach, it would seem Cindy would have the advantage in the exchange. It was only when Gwen twists her body mid-air and dodges Cindy's attack, would give her a chance to close the distance and uppercuts the mech into the air.

To follow up, Venom sends out a trio of tentacles from Gwen's arm and wraps around Cindy's mech before pulling Gwen over to deliver a ax kick, sending Cindy crashing back down with enough force to rumble the entire floor.

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