(Christmas in Tracksuits arc) Part 3

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MJ's voice: "So, how's my little Co-founder holding up?"

In the Tower's lounging area, Peter can be seen in a video call with MJ who appears to be taking a break from a photoshoot.

Peter: "Doing good, all things considered. The project's doing well, that's a plus. What about you?"

MJ's voice: "It's amazing! The set, the people, everything"

Peter: "Perks of being an ambassador for Parker Industries"

MJ's voice: "It's a good thing I came on board instantly then"

Heading to the newly refurbished bar area, Peter took a can from their new fridge before pouring himself a glass.

MJ's voice: "My~ look at you being all fancy"

Peter: "Gotta act the part, am I right?"

MJ grabbed a glass behind the camera, pulling out a drink of her own.

MJ's voice: "I'll drink to that"

They both toasted their glass in the air before taking a sip.

MJ's voice: "How's it going with the others?"

Peter: "Miles went to New Jersey for college, and Gwen flew off to England after helping the start-up campaign. Betty tried pursuing an art career, and Gloria is making sure Betty has a roof over her head"

MJ's voice: "Sounds like everyone's still the same as ever"

Peter: "Yeah. Who'd think we'd all end up like this?"

MJ's voice: "You could say that again"

The elevator to the living room was rung, signaling its arrival.

As the door parts, Y/n walks out in his business suit as Kate walks behind him and she looks around in awe.

Kate: "Oh my god! I can't believe I'm standing IN the Avenger's tower"

MJ's voice: "Wow!!"

Y/n looks to the screen in the living room, seeing MJ's video call being cast onto the screen.

MJ's voice: "And with Peter in the same building. Don't you have any shame!?"

Y/n: "I think you're reading too many office romance books"

Kate: "Are these two..."

Y/n: "My friends. Slash, Co-workers. Welcome to Parker Industries! We have Mary Jane Watson, current and only ambassador for Parker Industries"

MJ's voice: "Hi!"

Y/n: "And Peter Parker. Co-founder and Co-CEO of Parker Industries"

Peter: "Nice to meet you"

MJ's voice: "So, how's the intelligent and gifted CEO been up to?"

Y/n heads over to Peter as he pours Y/n a glass of soda.

Y/n: "Same ol', same ol'. Currently about to take down a mafia group"

Peter: "So the usual then?"

Kate: "Do all of you converse like this daily?"

Peter and Y/n looked amongst one another, then over to MJ, before turning to Kate.

Everyone: "Pretty much"

Kate: "Wow..."

MJ's voice: "So Y/n, WHY did you bring..."

Kate: "Kate. My name's Kate"

MJ's voice: "Thank you. Why did you bring Kate over?"

Y/n: "Her place was attacked by said mafia group. I figured it's safer for her here than anywhere else"

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