(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 3

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In the Morales household, the sound of Christmas cheer filled the room. Utensil clinked against plates as laughter filled the room.

Y/n: "Mmmh! *gulp* donde esta la biblioteca"

Miles: *scoffs* "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Y/n: "It literally translates to 'this food is AMAZING!!'"

A round of chuckles emits from the table as they continue having their moments in peace. 

Once dinner was finished, Miles and Phin were seen in the kitchen cleaning the dishes while Y/n sat by the living room enjoying the fire. 

Aaron: "Never thought I'd see you again, hero"

Y/n looks up from the fireplace to see Aaron with two cups of Eggnog as he takes a seat beside Y/n.

Y/n: "Better late than never, right?"

Aaron: *scoff* "I'll drink to that"

As he takes a swig from his cup, he hands the other over to Y/n, who happily accepts and takes a sip. 

Y/n: *hmph!* "Did you-!?"

Aaron: *smirk* "A little Henesy never hurt nobody"

Y/n: "You are officially my favorite uncle"

Taking another swig of his eggnog, Y/n managed to chug halfway through before burping.

Aaron: "A lot has changed since you last visited"

Y/n: "Yeah...He and I both"

Y/n looks behind the couch to see Miles and Phin playing around, splashing water at each other. 

Aaron: "Looks like little man's got his sights set on someone. Think he's doing better than you"

Y/n: "You know I had sex on the Manhattan bridge back in my dimension"

Aaron's eyes widened in shock as he turns to Y/n who bore a sly smirk. 

Aaron: "You dirty dog..."

Y/n: "Yeah...didn't go so well after that"

Aaron: "Why? PME?"

Y/n: "What!? No! It's...a lot more complicated than that"

Y/n finished off his eggnog before placing it on the coffee table and resumed watching the fire dance in the firepit. 

Aaron: "Ever heard of the shoulder touch?"

Y/n: *raises brow* "...The shoulder what?"

Aaron then places his mug onto the coffee table before sitting upright, prompting Y/n to do so as well.

Aaron: "It's when you lock eyes with a girl, walk up to her, and go..."

Aaron then placed a hand on Y/n's shoulder before raising an eyebrow. 

Aaron: "Hey~"

Y/n's eye begins to twitch as his mouth starts to quiver, eventually Y/n lets slip a chuckle before growing into a small laugh.

Y/n: "Oh, that's gotta be the best joke I've heard today"

Aaron: "It's not a joke. I'm telling you, it's science!"

Y/n: "Really? Then how come Miles doesn't have an Auntie yet?"

Aaron: "..."

Y/n: "Checkmate"

Y/n bumped his shoulder playfully at Aaron before grabbing his mug and rolling over the couch as he made his way to the kitchen.

Miles: "So I was thinking..."

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