(Friend or Foe arc) Finale

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Without backing down, Y/n bounced off the wall and grabbed a stray web he had preemptively placed before delivering a surprise kick to Harry's chest, knocking him out of his glider.

Gwen hears something falling above her, when she looked up, Harry's glider fell on the gear supporting her. Causing her to fall once again.

Y/n: "NO!"

Bouncing off the wall, Y/n zips towards another gear and uses it to boost his momentum downwards. 

Y/n: "Give me your hand!"

Gwen stretched her hand out, reaching for her hero. With mere inches away from one another, Y/n shoots a web to Gwen's hand and pulled her towards him before landing on the ground. 

Once Y/n landed, he looks at the person he was holding in his arms. Shock was written all over his face as in his arms was Gwen, desperately holding onto him. 

Immediately, Y/n sets Gwen down. This prompted Gwen to pull back and saw that she was now on the ground, unscathed.

Gwen: "I-"

Before Gwen could mutter out a sentence, Y/n envelops Gwen in a hug before placing his ear over her chest.

*thump*  *thump*

*thump* *thump*

The rhythmic beating of Gwen's heart fills Y/n with immense relief as if a heavy burden has been lifted from his shoulder,

Y/n: "You're alive...YOU'RE ALIVE!"

Y/n tightens his hold on Gwen, afraid she'd disappear like the vision he had once experienced. It was only when Gwen reciprocates the hug is when Relief fully sunk Y/n in as he finally sheds tears of Joy.

Miles: "Gwen!"

Hearing 2 sets of footsteps coming towards them, Y/n pulls back from the hug and helps Gwen up to her feet. Once they fixed themselves up, Gwen looks over to see Miles along with another person running towards them.

Gwen: "DAD!"

Overjoyed, Gwen quickly runs over and hugs her very much alive-father.

George; "My little girl, you're okay!"

Gwen: "Mh-hmm, I am"

Gwen pulls back slightly from the hug and looked toward Y/n. 

Gwen: "Thanks to Y/n"

Miles: *pats Y/n's back* "Way to go, Hero"

Y/n: *chuckles* "Thanks but..."

Before the group could properly celebrate, Harry's glider revs back to life before flying upwards.

Y/n: "It's not over just yet"

Miles: "Right, I guess you'll need this too"

Y/n looks over as Miles hands him his mask. He looks back at Miles before smiling, taking the mask out of his hands and putting it over his head. 

Once his mask was comfortably around his head, Y/n walks a few steps ahead before looking up and seeing Harry board his glider and brandishing his sword once more. 

Gwen: "Go get 'em Spidey!"

Y/n looks back and sees Gwen, Miles, and George cheering him on, rejuvenating him. Y/n then crouches down into a 3-point stance, building up strength as he looks up and sees Harry about to dive toward him. 

???'s voice: "Time to get up Y/n"

Y/n looks back one more time at his loved ones before looking back up in determination.

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