(S.I.L.K arc) Part 3

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Gwen: "Hmmm~ I'm so glad you came~"

Y/n: "Oh my god, Phrasing"

Gwen: "Now I get to devour you~, enjoy every morsel of your body~"

Y/n: "Okay, this is getting to kinky. Even for me!"

Propping his feet over Gwen's chest, Y/n rolls over the console and kicks Gwen away, sending her skidding across the server room platform.

Gwen: *groan* "That's no way to treat your darling isn't it?"

Y/n: "I guess that symbiote's really getting to your head, Gwen"

Gwen: "Oh, on the contrary..."

The symbiote then wraps itself over Gwen's face to act as her mask.

Gwen: *distorted* "We'Re, In Full Control"

Gwen then lunges at Y/n, forming large talon-like claws and swiping it across his chest. This prompted Y/n to dive to the side to dodge the attack before performing a web-strike to counterattack.

After closing the distance, Y/n unleashed a flurry of combos to Gwen's back before jumping back to dodge a slash from Gwen's claws.

Gwen: "That's no way to treat a loving girlfriend"

Y/n: "You have no right to call yourself that..."

Seeing Gwen conjure a blade as her arm, she swipes the blade across the room, extending its range thanks to its symbiotic capabilities.

Y/n manages to move out of the way just in time, as the slash tears a hole into the wall behind him.

With the blade remained extended, Y/n pulled two pieces of metal towards him.

Y/n: "Okay, don't think I forgot how to deal with you!"

With the pieces of metal in each hand, Y/n slammed the metal against each other, creating a loud Sonic blast towards Gwen.

Only to have no effect

Y/n: "Huh...Well...Shit"

Seeing Gwen begin to rapidly pull her arm back towards her, Y/n backflips instinctively to dodge the oncoming attack.

Y/n: "Okay, what the hell is going on?"

D.A.R.C: "The symbiote seemed to have adapted to its weakness against sonic frequencies"

Y/n: "They can do that!?"

Y/n performed a web-strike and punches Gwen across the face. Amidst their battle, Y/n slowly began to tear away at the symbiote, with bits and pieces of it sprawled across the server room.

Y/n: "You can stop this now Gwen. Fight this, so we can take down whoever's taking control of the city"

???'s voice: "Trust me. She can't"

Y/n looked around and saw a P.A system inside the server room along with a camera pointed directly at him.

Y/n: "Yeah. Like I'll trust the disembodied voice that is also the head of a terrorist organization that's hell bent on killing me"

???'s voice: "I do not plan on killing you. I merely want to experiment on you to learn the source of your power"

Y/n: "Then let me just spoil it for you. It came from a radioactive spider, that I squashed years ago"

???'s voice: "Don't you worry, I'll get what I want. One way or the other"

Y/n: "And how do you plan on doing that?"

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