(Friend or Foe arc) Part 6

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Harry kicks down a stack of crates in frustration. After Miles's defeat from Y/n, Harry came down and saw him stuck on the wall, defeated.

Harry: "I gave you all the tech to take down Spider-man, and you just let him get away!!?"

Miles: "I told you he was hard to capture"

Harry: "Don't give me that bullshit!"

Harry then sighs exasperatingly before pacing around. 

Harry: "To think he'd embarrass me twice...Curse that despicable Y/n. This is all your fault!"

As he paces around angrily, Harry manages to step on something wet. Looking down, Harry saw that he had stepped on a small puddle of blood. 

Harry: "Now wait for just a second...Maybe you're not so useless after all"

Kneeling, Harry takes out a clean handkerchief and wipes the blood off the floor. He then pockets the handkerchief before going over to the webbed-up Miles and pressed a button on his gauntlet that brandishes Miles's claws, breaking said arm free. 

Miles then uses his free arm to cut the rest of the web restraining him before dropping to the floor in front of Harry. 

Harry: *hands over handkerchief* "Take this back to my office, have my forensics experts have a look at it"

Miles: "Do I still get the 900 million?"

Harry chuckles lightly as he places a hand on Miles's shoulder, once his chuckle dies down, Harry glares at Miles before speaking coldly.

Harry: "Don't push your luck"

Miles gulps nervously, nodding frantically before engaging his suit's cloaking tech and exiting the abandoned express tunnel.

Now in his lonesome, Harry has left no one to accompany him but only his thoughts.

Harry: (Soon, Spider-man...I'll make you regret saying 'No' to me)

Harry then starts to chuckle, slowly getting louder until he breaks into full-blown laughter. 

The next morning, Y/n is seen in the bathroom with a first aid kit treating his wound, disinfecting it with some alcohol before wrapping a gauze over it. 

Peter then enters the bathroom a bit tired, standing beside Y/n as he takes his toothbrush and toothpaste. Seemingly unbothered by Y/n's wound.

Peter: "Gunshot?"

Y/n: "More like a swipe from Miles's claws"

Peter accidentally squeezed the tube of toothpaste a bit too hard, causing the toothpaste to shoot out and land on the mirror in front of the two. 

Y/n: "Oh, thanks"

Y/n grabs his toothbrush, wetting it under the faucet before scrapping off some of the toothpaste on the mirror and wetting his toothbrush one more time before brushing his teeth. 

Peter: "Did I just hear you say Miles swiped his claws at you?"

Y/n: *while brushing* "Yeah...Got an upgraded suit and everything"

As Peter applied some toothpaste on his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth, Y/n gargled some water before spitting it out. 

Y/n: "Courtesy of Oscorp might I add"

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