(Christmas in Tracksuits arc) Part 5

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After losing the tracksuit mafia back at the bridge, Y/n and the two archers found themselves back at Avengers tower. Clint took the liberty of hitting the showers as Kate took time to check up on the dog. 

As he sets up his things for the day, Y/n hears a phone vibrating on the countertop. 

Curious, Y/n picked up the phone to see that it was Clint's phone.

Y/n: "Huh...must be the family"

Without hesitation, Y/n answers the call and places it over his ear.

Y/n: "Yes, hello!"

???'s voice: "Daddy?"

Y/n: "A little boy...? Is this Nathaniel?"

Hearing the commotion, Kate peeks over and observes Y/n as he talks to the phone with Clint's sun.

Y/n: "It's me, your Godfather Spidey"

Nathaniel's voice: "That's so cool!"

Y/n: "What are you doing up so early in the morning?"

Nathaniel's voice: "Being bored...my family is still asleep"

Y/n: "Why don't you read a comic book? I heard Amazing Spider-man started a new issue of Amazing Spider-man is out. Though critics say it's one of the worst issues the comic puts out, but the Ultimate universe got rebooted! So that's a plus"

Nathaniel's voice: "What's the point of even reading a book?"

Y/n: "A nice escape from the world isn't so bad..."

Nathaniel's voice: "Will daddy be back home tonight?"

Then Kate saw Y/n's face fall to a frown. 

Nathaniel's voice: "It's Christmas movie marathon"

Y/n: "Well...I keep telling your father that Die Hard is a Christmas movie, and he just couldn't see it"

Kate was surprised by how fast Y/n shift the tone of his conversation, watching in amazement as she continues to see the scene unfold. 

Y/n: "I tried to tell him to just drop it and go home, but he said that he's not gonna stop until I was convinced or he gives up. And you know how your daddy is..."

Nathaniel's voice: "It's okay if daddy can't come home for Christmas, we'll understand..."

Y/n: "Buddy..."

Y/n leaned over the counter with one arm and spoke with determination. 

Y/n: "I promise you that Clint will make it back for Christmas, that's why we'll do our best to wrap all of this up quickly"

Y/n then shifts into a more playful tone.

Y/n: "Matter a fact, I propose a wager. I bet, I can bring your dad home BEFORE you, and your siblings, could memorize every single name of the 101 dalmatians in Chronological dog years old order. How does that sound?"

Nathaniel's voice: "101!? That's too many!"

Y/n: "Woah, woah, woah. You can't back out now, I already set the terms"

Nathaniel's voice: "That doesn't seem fair..."

Y/n: "Meh, the rules are the rules"

Nathaniel's voice: "What do we get if we win?"

Y/n: "If you guys win? I'll buy every single item in everyone's Christmas list. How does that sound"

Nathaniel's voice: "Really? You'd do that!?"

Y/n: "Yep. But, if I win...you have to keep that Christmas spirit alive for the rest of your life. Sound fair enough?"

Nathaniel's voice: "Deal!"

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