(S.I.L.K arc) Part 7

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Zipping to the 66th floor, Y/n was met by a large machine which held a large portal open, and just in front of it was the leader of S.I.L.K, Cindy Moon.

Y/n: "You know if you keep that portal open, you'll destroy the entire dimension"

Cindy: "Have you ever felt that fate seems to be against you since the day you were born?"

Y/n: "Story of my life at this point"

Cindy: "Then do you know about my story?"

Y/n: "I don't really care, but I think you'll tell me anyways"

Cindy: "It all started in highschool. We were taking a trip to Oscorp's science facility where-"

Y/n: "Let me guess, you were bitten by the radioactive spider?"

Cindy: *scoff* "I wish. The spider was squashed before I ever got the chance of getting bit"

Y/n: "Ohh..."

Cindy: "After finding out from a lawsuit that my parents held against Oscorp, I found out of the gift I was denied"

D.A.R.C then scoured the internet before presenting Y/n the lawsuit Cindy referenced, she then highlights a testimony from Curtis Connors, who was the head of the genetics department of Oscorp at the time.

"The effects of the spider bite would give the subject extraordinary powers, similar to a spider. However, there's a likely chance that the subject would meet their demise due to being unable to withstand the spider's radioactive properties."

Y/n: "You were willing to risk getting killed, just for spider powers!?"

Cindy: "It's worth taking the risk"

Y/n: "You're crazy!"

Cindy: "is it?"

Cindy turns away from her portal, brandishing her gauntlet as she stares into Y/n's eyes.

Cindy: "I've been powerless my entire life! You do not understand what pain and struggles I've endured. Just thinking about the possibility of being extraordinary had been torturous"

Y/n: "You..."

Cindy: "You wouldn't understand what it's like. I'd kill to be in your position, but maybe I don't have to..."

Cindy then extends her gauntlet to Y/n, her palm open.

Cindy: "Join me. And help make my dream a reality"

Y/n: "...I was wrong. You're not crazy"

Cindy smiles, thinking that she had persuaded Y/n.


Cindy's smile flips to a scowl.

Cindy: "So you're just like her. Fine, if you're not gonna give me your power..."

Cindy then flips her arm, causing the seams to light up purple.

Cindy: "Then I'll just have to take it from you by force"


Cindy's gauntlet then charged up, before opening her palm and shooting out a purple beam which Y/n dodges.

Y/n: "Pain? Struggles?"

Y/n web-strike over to Cindy to close the distance, seeing this, Cindy conjures a shield made of hard light and blocks Y/n's follow up attack.

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