(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 5

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Gwen can be seen walking briskly, wearing the most semi formal attire she could put together in a hurry.

Y/n: "Gwen!"

Turning around, Gwen saw Y/n swing into view, taking the liberty to change into more civilian clothing as he smacks himself against a wall before hurriedly running towards her.

Y/n: "I need to talk to you"

Gwen: "I'm not in a mood to talk to you, Y/n"

Gwen then turns her back on Y/n before continuing on her way, with Y/n quickly following after her.

Y/n: "GWEN!!!"

Running through the glass doors, Y/n makes his way in front of Gwen, stopping her in place.

Y/n: "Look, I know you may think that this is my fault-"

Gwen: "Y/n-"

Y/n: "-and you have every right to. But listen, you don't have to go in there. You wanna know why?"

Gwen: "Y/n, you know I can't"

Y/n: "Of course you can! You're Gwen Stacy...I dont know how much weight your name can be but-"

???: "Miss Stacy?"

Y/n and Gwen look to the sound of an interjecting voice to see a woman sitting behind a desk.

Woman behind the desk: "Shall I take you upstairs?"

With a quick look around Y/n and Gwen saw that they stood inside the Oxford university branch in New York.

Gwen: "YES!"

Y/n: *mutters* "How long have we been standing here, arguing?"

Gwen: "I'm sorry, I know I'm running late but-"

Y/n: *mutters* "I think they're getting the wrong idea"

Gwen: "-Can I just get 1 more minute please?"

Looking over to the woman behind the desk, Y/n tries his best to help Gwen salvage their situation.

Y/n: *in his best British accent* "I'm sorry to bother you, my fair lady..."

Gwen: *confused* "Fair lady?"

Y/n: "But uhmm...who am I? I mean, who am I? I'm John Hopkins"

Gwen: "What...?"

Y/n: "I'm one of the young professors at Harvard and Ms. Stacy, I was hoping to get her to join my team for a while now. She's smart, she's amazing, intellectual genius no doubt about it"

Gwen: "Okay..."

Gwen then grabbed Y/n by the arm before pulling him close.

Gwen: "Look, what's your angle? You know that no matter what happens, I can't let this stop me. Y/n, you know more than anyone how much this means to me"

Y/n: "I know that-"

Gwen: "Then WHY!? Why? Why now are you standing in front of me, stoping me from heading to what's arguably the most important interview of my LIFE"

Y/n takes a second to recollect himself before looking Gwen straight in the eyes.

Y/n: "To cheer you on"

Gwen was taken aback by Y/n's statement.

Gwen: "What do you-"

Y/n: "You're right, I should know better than anyone how much this means to you. You're whole life, you've dedicated yourself to get to where you are today and...I just don't want to see you go, without knowing you'll do your best"

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