(S.I.L.K arc) Part 1

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Christine: "I suppose congratulations are in order"

Y/n: "Thanks. It's nice, having a family again"

Y/n is back lounging in Christine's office for another one of their sessions.

Christine: "So, I think it's only best I ask. How does it feel?"

Y/n: "Well, there are times when people are still getting used to my name"


MJ and the rest of their friends walk over to Peter and Y/n's table with their trays with Peter admiring MJ as they walk over.

MJ: "Hey, Parker~"

Y/n slaps Peter on the back of his head, snapping him out of his trance.

Y/n: "She meant you"

Peter: "Okay, oww..."


Y/n is seen in gym class as he performs his sit-ups with double the speed and with perfect form.

Coach Wilson: "Looking good, Parker"

Coach Wilson complimented as he walked past, prompting everyone to look over in Peter and Y/n's direction.

Y/n: "He meant me!"


Y/a and Peter were seen walking together in the hallway, all of a sudden a football was caught out of mid-air by Y/n.

Flash: "Yo, Parker!"

Immediately, Y/n shoots a death-inducing glare towards Flash and his cronies.

Y/n: "You talkin' to me!?"


Y/n: "So, yeah. But overall it's pretty good"

Christine: "Good. Now! Let's continue on with our session shall we?"

Christine set the timer for their session before taking the pen from her notebook.

Christine: "On the topic of family. Have the thought occur to you if whether you want to have one in the foreseeable future?"

Y/n was taken aback by Dr. Christine's question, prompting him to look over at his shrink in shock.

Y/n: "Doc...I didn't know you felt that way. But, sadly I'm gonna have to decline"

Christine wasn't amused and began scribbling on her notes. Once she finished writing, she turns back to Y/n.

Y/n: *sigh* "Right..."

Taking out his phone, Y/n scrolled through his contacts, stopping till he reached a message dated a few months ago. Gwen's break-up message.

Y/n: "If I'm gonna be honest. I don't really have a good track record when it comes to dating"

Christine: "Hmm. Can you-"

Suddenly, an explosion occurs outside the office. Christine got off her seat and walked to the window to scope out the situation. She saw a large portal open up in the middle of the street as a group of black zombie-like aliens.

Before Christine could turn and tell Y/n about the situation, she already saw Y/n's clothes scattered on the couch and the door swung open. Seeing the hero already departed, Christine walks over and stops the timer on the table before reaching for her glass of bourbon, only to notice it to have moved slightly from its previous position.

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