(Friend or Foe arc) Part 9

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An echoing voice bellows out, sound of gears coming out of place as two silhouettes seemed to fall with it.

An all familiar thwip has heard after, each second the wind seemed to move apart to give way for the projectile, until a dreadful sound played soon after.


With a sharp gasp, Y/n shot up from his bed covered in sweat. He quickly places his hands over his eyes as he recompose hself. Alarm clock continuing to beep in the background.

Y/n then quickly turns around and slams his fist down onto the alarm clock in annoyance, causing the clock to shatter in pieces, much to his dismay.

Y/n: *sigh* "I'm going back to using my phone as alarm"

Pulling his blanket off of him, Y/n begrudgingly got out of bed and start his day.

May: *distant* "Uh-huh...I understand... I'll go talk to him once he wakes up"

As Y/n reached the bottom of the stairs, he saw that Aunt May was on the phone and is looking at his direction right as he reached the living room.

May: "And here he is now...Okay, I'll talk to you later...You too"

May then hangs up the phone before walking up to Y/n.

Y/n: "I don't suppose that phone call was pertaining to me, by chance?"

With her arms crossed and eyebrow raised, May looked at Y/n with a stern expression.

May: "You have some explaining to do, Young man"

Y/n: *sigh* "I guess breakfast is off the table..."

Y/n walks over and takes a seat by the dining table, facing May who didn't relent from her stern expression.

Y/n: "Can I ask who that was on the phone?"

May: "That was George. He was inquiring why Gwen had shut herself in her room after getting out of a taxi ride that YOU hired"

Y/n: *mutter* "Never knew she was the shut-in neet type"

May the slams a hand onto the table, taking Y/n by surprise.

May: "Answer me clearly, mister!"

Y/n: "...I may have, told Gwen that she was a Liability"


Unknown to the two, a set of heavy footsteps could be heard down the hall. A pair of metal lined boots comes into view, shuffling a bit in place. One foot went to turn another direction before ultimately walking forward. 

Murmurs could be heard by the figure, curses spoken with an uneasy voice as he came to a stop in front of The Parker's apartment. 

May: "I mean, seriously. Do you ever stop and wonder what would happen to others if you're not careful with your words!?"

Y/n: "I wasn't trying to hurt her on purpose...I was trying to protect her. At the time it was the best way I could break it to her"

May: *sigh* "Y/n..."

May took off her glasses momentarily to rub her eyes before placing them back on and taking a seat in front of the young hero and placing a comforting hand over his own. 

May: "Sometimes, you have to realize...The only place where people can feel safe, especially for your friends, is wherever you are"

May reaches over with her other hand and lifts Y/n's hanging head.

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