(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 6

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After a well deserved sleep, Y/n and Miles could be seen sewing up Miles's suit as they reflect on the events that transpired during the Brooklyn bridge.

Y/n: "So Phin, the same Phin that you're childhood friends with, is The Tinkerer?"

Miles: "I saw her, Y/n. It was her"

Y/n: "And the explosion?"

Y/n accidentally pricked himself with the needle.

Y/n: "Ow! What caused the explosion?"

Miles: "It was the Nuform shipment, my powers caused a reaction and caused the entire shipment to explode"

Y/n: "Meh. You win some, you lose some"

Y/n finished sewing his half of the suit as Miles sighs in defeat.

Miles: "I wish I could've done better to stop them"

Y/n looks over with a somber look on his face as Miles hunches over as he runs his hands frustratingly.

Miles: "I just...I just wanted to be like you! You're cool and stylish, and in control, and-"

Before Miles could rant on, Y/n reached a hand over and flicked his forehead.

Miles: "Ow!"

Y/n: "And I want you to be better"

Y/n hands the upper part of Miles's suit. Taking it, Miles immediately hovers to his spider symbol that was on his chest.

Y/n: "Let's review what happened last night, shall we?"

Y/n webs over a chair before sitting in front of Miles who was sitting on his bed.

Y/n: "Holding your own against The Underground. Good, commendable"

Y/n points out as he raises a finger.

Y/n: "Revealing our Big bad's secret identity. Great, spectacular even"

Y/n then moves his hand and points it to Miles.

Y/n: "But what you did at the bridge. That gives you an F in the superhero business"

Miles: "Yeah, I get it. The bridge blowing up was my fault. I-"

Y/n: "Not the explosion. God only knows what the fuck Roxxon's Nuform is made out of. But what I'm talking about is what you did after the explosion"

Miles: "We saved those people, what's-"

Y/n: "By holding the bridge in place with your body? Do you realize how stupid that was?"

Miles: "But you were there to save them, what's the big deal?"

Y/n: "But what if I wasn't? What if I couldn't make it, or better yet, what if I wasn't there?"

Miles pauses, stumped by Y/n's question as he images what could've happened to the civilians, all the deaths that might've occured if it weren't for Y/n.

Y/n: "Different story, right? If anything happened to those people, it's on you"

Miles sinks deeper into his hunch.

Y/n: "And if anything were to happen to you...I feel like that's on me"

Miles looked at Y/n shocked as he got out of his chair and sat with Miles on the bed.

Y/n: "Miles, I admire that you're trying your best to save everyone, but if you keep thinking like the way you did last night...then the best you could save is yourself"

Miles: "Then how can I save everyone?"

Y/n: "My advice...take it one step at a time. If the situation looks to be too much, break it up into parts. You don't eat a cake whole, you cut it into pieces and then eat it"

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