(Training and Tinkering arc) Part 2

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A steel barrel was sent hurling through the air, sparks of blue electricity emits from its frame before slamming into a cement wall.

Miles: "Try channeling your electricity through the surface. That should prevent you from zapping yourself while trying to control them"

Y/n: "Okay...seems simple enough"

Y/n then goes over to another steel barrel.

Miles: "Uh-uh-uh!"

Y/n: "What? I haven't done anything yet"

Miles points to another object of interest. Looking over, Y/n saw that Miles had gestured to a large red cargo container.

Did I mention they were in a warehouse by the docks?

Y/n: "You want, ME, to use it on-"

Miles: "Uh-huh. A steel barrel is too easy for you, we gotta use something more your speed"

Y/n: "I don't even know the fundamentals of using these powers"

Miles: "You'll get the hang of it. Now stop standing around, let's go!"

Y/n: *mutters* "I'm starting to regret coming here"

Begrudgingly, Y/n makes his way over to the cargo container and placed his hands on them, his fingers being the appendage that's mostly coming in contact with the steel surface. Miles zipped to a ledge just a few feet away from the area, watching Y/n's attempt from a distance.

Upon taking a wide stance, Y/n began to concentrate to the best of his abilities as he tries to channel the electricity through his fingers.

Miles: "So how've you been? It's been 2 years since we last spoke"

Y/n: *hums* "Funny...it's been seven years for me"

Miles: "Seriously? You only look 2 years older than me"

Y/n: "Well...I spent 5 of those years being dust in space so that's why I don't look any different"

Miles: "Wait, for real!? You went to space!!? That is so cool-"

Y/n: "Yeah, can we like, NOT talk for a minute? I'm trying to concentrate here"

Miles: "Oh, right...my bad"

Miles then fell silent, allowing Y/n to focus on channeling his powers.

Miles: "So how are things with you and Gwen?"

Suddenly, Y/n's body sparked up, lightning flower through his nervous system before being shot out of his fingertips with immense force, pushing the container dozens of feet away.

Miles: "Woah!"

After the display, Y/n sighs deeply before scratching his head.

Y/n: "Gwen and I broke up. As of now, we aren't really talking"

Miles: "How did it feel?"

Y/n: "It hurt...like my heart was being squeezed while it's still beating"

Miles: "Oumpf...yikes. But...I was talking about what you felt when you used your Venom Blast"

Y/n: "...Yeah, that makes way more sense"

Miles then dropped from his vantage point before walking over to Y/n.

Y/n: "How do I say this...it felt like a current shot through my nervous system to the tips of my fingers"

Miles: "There you go. Now, remember that when performing your Venom Blast"

Y/n: "Is that really what you've been calling this?"

Miles: "Yeah, why? You don't like it?"

Y/n: "No, it's the opposite really. I'm just surprised I didn't think of that first"

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