(Infinity War arc) Part 3

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On board the ship, Y/n, Tony, and Doctor Strange see through a holographic display that the ship had entered the atmosphere of another planet.

Tony: "I think we're here. I don't think this rig has a self-park function"

Tony stuck his hand inside a contraption.

Tony: "Get your hand into this steering gimbal. Close those around it. You understand?"

Y/n "Yeah, got it"

Tony: "This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta to move at the same time"

Y/n: "Yeah, I kinda got that back in Central Park"

Tony: "We might wanna turn!"

Y/n: "No shit, Sherlock!!"

Strange creates a shield around them to prevent them from being killed in the landing as the two avengers mask up. Tony and Y/n manages to control the ship, albeit slowly, causing the ship to hit some stray debris, tearing the ship in half.

Y/n: *pant* "Don't worry. We're still flying half a ship"

Upon landing, the ship, took massive amounts of damage, leaving the main console remaining intact

Strange: "You alright?"

Tony: "That was close. I owe you one"


Y/n then descends from the ceil descends from above upside-down.

Y/n: "This is a bad time to say this is my first time actually in space. So if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something...And I end up eating you, I'm sorry"

Tony: "I don't wanna hear another single pop culture out of you for the rest of the trip. You understand?"

Y/n: "I'm trying to say that something is coming"

A grenade rolls into view, and Y/n, Strange and Tony was sent flying back as trio of strangers appear in the doorway.

???: "Thanos!"

Strange's cloak flies at one of the assailant with red markings across his body, wrapping around his face and whips him around as a masked assailant begins to have a dog fight in the rubble with Iron Man, trading blaster fire, before crashing into one another.

This forces Tony to push the assailant away, only for him to be left with a parting gift from the stranger.

???2: "Ha-Ha!"

Pressing a button, Tony looks down to see a disk stuck onto his chest before getting pinned to the wall by a magnetic force.

Recovering from the grenade blast, Y/n sees a shining light from the darkness. When he regained his vision, he sees an alien with glowing antennas making their way towards him.

Y/n: "I know Tony said no more references, but Go home, E.T!"

Y/n then proceeds to web up the alien, snaring them before getting kicked back down by the masked assailant.

???2: "Stay down, Clown"

Rolling out of the kick, Y/n extends out his spider-arms before jumping up to dodge blaster fire. He then skids across the rubble, dodging more blaster fire, until he lands behind the assailant and pounces on him.


The assailant then takes out a device from their jacket and throws it at Y/n, revealing an electric bola and was about to ensnare Y/n.

With his enhanced reflexes, Y/n contourts in the air, retracting his arms and suit to reveal his Wakandan suit, which has filled up with kinetic energy from the crash, dodging the electric bola, before web-striking towards the masked assailant and punches him in the face, expelling all of the kinetic energy.

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