(Friend or Foe arc) Part 8

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After receiving a sample of Y/n's blood, Oscorp's research team are seen putting the blood through a machine along with the discovered sample of Spider-man's blood found in the abandoned subway that Miles have fought him in. 

Harry: "How are we with the DNA process?"

Oscrop Scientist: "The DNA analysis process is nearly complete, sir"

Harry: "Good~"

Harry walks towards the console and looks closely at the monitor displaying the progress of the DNA analysis, showing that it is at 98% completion

Taking a bottle of alcohol from a small shelf, Harry pours himself a glass before taking a sip. 

Oscorp Scientist: "The process has been comple-"

The sound of glass shattering cuts off the scientist as they relay the information to Harry. Looking towards the source, the Oscorp Research Scientists saw Harry with a bloodied hand where he once held his glass with hair covering his eyes.

Suddenly, Harry begins to chuckle as he slowly raises his head to look at the monitor showing the results of the DNA analysis.

Y/n  L/n     <----------------->  Spider-man

100% match

Harry: "Oh this....This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Hahahahahaha!"

Oscorp Scientist: *frightened* "M-Mr. Osborn?"

Harry then cuts of his laughter and switching into a cold and harsh tone.

Harry: *to Oscorp Security Guard* "Have Prowler on the line, and tell him he has a new target"

Oscorp Security Guard: "A-At once, sir" *exits the room*

Harry: "The rest of you, have my modifications be added to the glider at once"

Oscorp Scientist: "But sir, the glider is only a prototype. And with the modifications you specified it'll be-"

Harry: "You're fired"

The Oscorp Scientist was immediately silenced as they stood speechless from Harry's statement. 

Harry: "Guards, get him out of here"

Oscorp Scientist: "What!? No wait, please!!!"

The Oscorp scientist tried to protest but was ultimately dragged away by security.

Harry: "The rest of you, do you want to keep your job?"

The rest of the scientists all nod their heads frantically.

Harry: "Then do as you're told"

Oscorp Scientists: "Yes sir!"

As the scientist dispered, Harry goes back and cleans up his wound. After cleaning the wound, Harry picks up a metal ball from a stand close-by.

Harry: "Your days are numbered...Soon you will face the wrath of an Osbron"

Pressing a button on the steel ball, the ball instantly turned into a shuriken which Harry then threw at a picture of a Spider-man article.

Harry: "Y/n L/n..."

It was now Mid-day, Y/n and Gwen are sitting by the food court with Y/n's computer as they go through the files Gwen and Y/n had copied from Oscorp.

Gwen: "So when are we gonna talk about what happened at Oscorp?"

Y/n: "Sometimes things are better left unexplained. Especially what happened at Oscorp"

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