(Christmas in Tracksuits arc) Part 7

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Having decided to call it a day, Kate makes her way back to her burnt down apartment. Just as she was about to reach the pizzeria, she spots Y/n leaning against a car in front of the restaurant. 

Y/n: "Oh, there you are Kate"

She attempts to walk past Y/n, walking around his car, only for him to vault over and stand right in front of her.

Y/n: "Can we talk?"

Kate: "I thought you and Clint were done with me?"

Y/n: "Okay, I know what happened looked to have been a bit dismissive of you"

Kate: "How could you do this!? I thought you understand what I'm trying to prove"

Y/n: "I understand"

Kate: "You've seen what I could do. What I could bring to the table, and-"

Y/n: "Kate, I know-"

Kate: "I'm not done!"

Kate brought a finger up close to Y/n, shushing him. 

Kate: "You've...dismissed me, tossed me aside, where I thought you and I had a connection. And I thought, maybe you see something different in me, and that..."

Kate sighs before leaning against the car as she took a moment to catch her breath. 

Kate: "I just...I spent my whole life preparing for a moment like this ever since you saved me. Now that opportunity's here and I could finally show all what I've worked so hard to achieve, only for it to just...get snuffed out"

Kate: "It's hard being the one that gets saved all the time, sometimes-"

Y/n: "Sometimes you want to be the one to do the saving?"

Kate: "Yeah..."

Y/n: "...You want a slice of pizza? I've only had Eddies, and this one shows promise"

Kate: "Look, as much as I love the gesture I have to get my stuff so whatever it is you need, spill it"

Y/n: "What do you know about the Black Widow?"

Kate and Y/n had now found themselves a booth inside the pizzeria

Kate: "Natasha Romanoff, right? Part of the Avengers"

Y/n: "Well, Clint had just filled me in and told me that, it's only half of the story"

Kate: "What do you mean?"

A server came in with their order of pizza and places it on the table before leaving. 

Y/n: *takes a slice* "Turns out, The Black Widow is a program in Russia, others might call it 'The Red room'"

Y/n takes a bite of the pizza and admires its flavors in his tongue.

Y/n: "Oh, that's hot...so good. Anyways, the program was designed to take young girls and train them to become deadly assassins for the Russian government"

Kate: "And Natasha was one of those assassins"

Y/n: "You really are smart. Saves me time getting into the details"

Kate opted to take a slice of her own and eats while Y/n continued to talk.

Y/n: "She blurted out the program back at the Battle of New York, at first I thought she was just joking...until just moments ago. Just as Clint was about to leave, we were attacked...by a Black Widow"

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