(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Part 9

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J. Jonah Jameson: "Tragedy. What else can I call it?"

After the fight at the condo, J Jonah Jameson can be seen in a broadcast as he reports the recent altercation involving Spider-man.

J. Jonah Jameson: "What more need be said? The damage...The destruction...You saw it with your own eyes. When will people wake up, and realize that everywhere Spider-Man goes... chaos and calamity ensue. Everything Spider-Man touches comes to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces"

Rain starts to pour down from the night as Y/n watches the rain hit the window as he watches the broadcast from a billboard afar. Eventually, Y/n walks away from the window before heading further into the dark room he situated himself in.

Entering through the front door, Gwen Stacy folds her umbrella, shaking off the excess rain that remained before placing it to the side.

Gwen: "I'm home!"

Walking to the living room, Gwen was surprised to see MJ and the others around the living room watching Jameson's recent news broadcast with a passed-out Peter sprawled across the couch.

J. Jonah Jameson: "J. Jonah Jameson, reporting. Good night. And God help us all"

Gwen: "I see you guys didn't bother to call"

At the sound of Gwen's voice, everyone turned to the entrance to the living room to see her with her arms crossed.

Miles: "Hey, I heard you got that second interview"

Gwen: "I did. I got accepted to join, but that aside..."

Gwen turns to the couch.

Gwen: "What happened to Peter?"

MJ: "Y/n, happened"

Gwen: "Y/n?"

Betty: "A lot happened, while you were gone"

Gloria: "We're just sorta, of laying low for a while till all of this blows over. Your new home was the closest to where we were so we figured we could crash here for the night"

They then hear a pair of footsteps from the kitchen as George appears with a cup of coffee in hand.

George: "Apparently, Y/n attacked Peter out of nowhere"

Gwen: "What!?"

Miles: "Granted it may be due to the different OTHER Y/ns as well"

Gwen: "Wait, other Y/ns? Here? In THIS Universe?"

MJ: *sigh* "Can we just...not, talk about it, for a while?"

George then turns to his daughter.

George: "I'll go heat your dinner. In the meantime, why don't you catch her up on things"

With heavy eyes, Peter battles to pry his eyes open. Eventually managing to open them enough to see an unfamiliar ceiling.

Peter: *groans* "Where am I?"

Peter goes to sit up, only to be held back down by MJ.

MJ: "Easy, Tiger. You shouldn't be moving so early"

Peter: "MJ? We were just in the Sanctum, now where-"

Gwen: "In my new Apartment"

Peter looked behind MJ and saw Gwen as the rest of their friends sat around her.

Peter: "Hey, Gwen...Y/n told me you got a second interview at Oxford"

Miles: "She got it"

Peter: "Nice...! I feel like you discussed it while I was under. How long was I out?"

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