(A Very Spidey Christmas arc) Finale

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With the battle concluded, Glitch-Spider and Phantom-Spider pushes themselves to their feet before making their way beside Y/n.

Glitch-Spider: "Is it done?"

Phantom-Spider: "Is it over?"

Y/n: "Well...Yes and No"

Y/n looks over to Glitch-Spider.

Y/n: "I manage to take away a large portion of his mutation. This guy's bonded to a symbiote and a radioactive spider, you don't know WHAT his DNA wants to identify as"

Phantom-Spider: "But...?"

Y/n: "But, in order to strip away his powers completely, I'll have to spend all the power remaining"

Glitch-Spider: "So why didn't you finish the job?"

Y/n: "Because-"

Y/n was cut off by the sound of Stephen grunting atop the Statue of Liberty. This prompts the Spiders to look up to the sky to see the tear continuiing to go out of control.

Y/n: "I'm saving just enough to do this..."

Y/n shoots upwards, soaring up till he'd reach the tear in the multiverse.

Stephen: "Y/n. The tear is widening, it's too strong to contain it"

Y/n: "It's a good thing I don't plan on containing it"

With his new Universal strength, Y/n grips onto the fabric of space, digging his fingers through the multiverse then proceeds to pull the tear shut.

Peter: "Is he-!?"

Glitch-Spider: "Pulling the universe back together!?"

Phantom-Spider: "Nemoj me zezat..."

With all his might, Y/n begins to pull the sky back together, multiplying himself to cover more ground. Little by little, the tear began to shrink, shocking everyone as Y/n exerts all the effort he could muster.

Y/n: "Come on, close!"

With a final cry, Y/n poured all his strength and manages to seal the tear, effectively closing the multiverse off from leaking through. This in turn caused the sky to turn back to normal, the stars slowly dhining back to life as the moon appears on full display.

Y/n: *pant* "Holy shit...I did it"

Peter: "He did it..."

Max: "He did it..."

Everyone then erupts in cheer as another day was saved by the hands of Spider-man. People began hugging one another, giving each other high fives, as Jameson slammed his hat to the ground in anger.

As the situation came to an end, Y/n floats back down to his allies and friends.

Peter: "Wow..."

Gwen: "Tell me about it"

Peter: "I know we've been through this all our highschool lives, but it's still keeps the heart pumping"

Phantom-Spider: "I'll say!"

Phantom-Spider wrapped an arm over Y/n's shoulder as Glitch-Spider playfully punches him on the arm.

Glitch-Spider: "Way to go, Hero"

Y/n: "Ehh...what's a regular day in New York, amirite?"

A chorus of chuckle rang across the small group.

Phantom-Spider: "So...now that the threat of the multiverse collapsing, how are we getting back to our universe?"

Glitch-Spider: "Hmm..."

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