(A Very Spidey Vaca-ture arc) Part 1

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The was an idea, to have two teenagers come to create the best vacation plan in history. To create memories to look back on, to make stories to tell their kids in the foreseeable future.

Y/n can be seen in line at The Department of State as he waits to pick up an important document. 

Feeling a bit impatient, he looks over to a window that displays Window: Closed and decides to hatch an idea. Grabbing his phone from his pocket, Y/n hacks the electric card with the help of D.A.R.C, displaying the once Closed  sign to Open  giving him ample excuse to go under the line barricade to head over to the teller window.

Y/n: "Hi, Y/n L/n Parker. Here to pick up a passport"

Y/n looks through the window and sees a poor teller in the middle of eating a sandwich.

After getting his document, Y/n can now be seen in front of an ATM, looking around discretely for any on-lookers before walking up close to the ATM to allow D.A.R.C to withdraw several thousand dollars from Tony Stark's account. 

Y/n: "What? No~"

We then transition to Y/n in his Iron-spider suit while in the middle of a shootout in a fine-dining restaurant, diving through the air, avoiding hails of bullets coming in his direction.

Tony's voice: "You sure? Cause I'm seeing a few thousand dollars missing from my account"

Y/n jumps to a table and webs up 2 goons before dodging another burst of gunfire from a separate goon.

Y/n: "You must've forgotten a gift you purchased for Pepper for an anniversary or something"

Y/n turns and shoots a web at the goon that shot at him, sending him sticking onto the wall before jumping over to dodge yet another hail of gunfire.

Tony's voice: "Okay, now you're just making up lies. I think I would know if Pepper and I have an anniversary come up...F.R.I.D.A.Y, check and see if I have any anniversaries that I may have forgotten"

After jumping from one table to another, Y/n webbed up the remaining goons in the area before shooting a web bomb at a group of goons and sitting casually on another table. Right as the goons were about to open fire, the bomb detonated, causing webs to shoot out from the device and web up the unsuspecting goons.

Y/n: "Wow...Husband of the Year material right here"

Entering from the side, a goon walks in and opens fire on Y/n who cartoonishly reacts as he tanks every bullet before falling over the table. 

Hearing the gun jam up, Y/n pokes out from behind the table completely unscathed. 

Y/n: "Sike! It's bulletproof"

Thwipping a web to the pillars beside him, Y/n pulls back, creating tension, before slingshotting himself forward and drop-kicking the goon, hitting his head on a small aquarium display. 

More goons then appear from the kitchen, wearing chef garbs and waiter outfits.

Y/n: "Guys! When I asked the waiter if the food was complimentary, it was a joke! I didn't think you'd get so pissy!"

Knocking a goon out with one punch, Y/n grabs a comically large pepper dispenser and points it to another goon as his Iron arms sprout from his back, and swats the gun from his hands.

Y/n: "Get ready for a well-seasoned beatdown!"

Y/n aggressively twists the dispenser, sending a cloud of finely ground peppers, blinding the goon, before whacking him at the side of the head with the dispenser.

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